List of latest a-t-m Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any a-t-m Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for a-t-m Tenders.
Tender for supply of ctext-red-selected">altext-red-selected">amine powder, zinc oxide or tittext-red-selected">anium dioxide bott spf 50 sunscreen lotion bottle of 60 ml, clindtext-red-selected">amycin phosphtext-red-selected">ate 1 percenttopictext-red-selected">al gel tube of 10 gm, clobettext-red-selected">asol propiontext-red-selected">ate cretext-red-selected">am 0.05 percent in tube of 10 gm, clotrimtext-red-selected">azole cretext-red-selected">am 1 percenttube of 15 gm, gtext-red-selected">ammtext-red-selected">a benzene hextext-red-selected">achloride 1 percent w or v cetrrimide 0.1 percent w or v incoholic sodium, glycerin glycerol in bottle of 1 kg, cretext-red-selected">ammucontext-red-selected">azole, momettext-red-selected">asone 0.1 percenttube of 10 gm, permethrin 5 percenttube of 30 gm, povidone lodeine ointtube of 10 percent 20gm, stext-red-selected">alicylic text-red-selected">acid 3 to 5 percenttext-red-selected">and cotext-red-selected">al ttext-red-selected">ar 1 to 3 percentsoln bott, ptext-red-selected">artext-red-selected">affin soft yellow jtext-red-selected">ar of 4 kg, silver sulphtext-red-selected">aditext-red-selected">azine 1 percent cretext-red-selected">am w or v jtext-red-selected">ar of 500 gms, terbintext-red-selected">afine 1 percent cretext-red-selected">amtube of 10 gm, tretinoin 0.05 percenttube of 20 gm, uretext-red-selected">a cretext-red-selected">am uretext-red-selected">a 10 to 12 percent ltext-red-selected">actic text-red-selected">acid 5 to 10 percent in ptext-red-selected">ack of 50 gm, humtext-red-selected">an text-red-selected">albumin 20 percent in bott of 100ml
Tender for text-red-selected">annutext-red-selected">al reptext-red-selected">air contrtext-red-selected">act of primtext-red-selected">ary drop insertmux ctext-red-selected">ards insttext-red-selected">alled in period of 02 two yetext-red-selected">ars by oem or text-red-selected">authorised detext-red-selected">aler of oem.
Tender for supply of eltext-red-selected">astomeric ptext-red-selected">ad design -b to rdsos specn. no. wd-20-misc-95 rev. 04 with text-red-selected">amendment sl ip 01 text-red-selected">along with rev. 03 with text-red-selected">amendment slip 06, drg. no. wd-21109-s-02, text-red-selected">alt.-1 wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery
Tender for supply, insttext-red-selected">alltext-red-selected">ation text-red-selected">and commissioning of retro fitment of revised wsp wiring text-red-selected">as per rdso drtext-red-selected">awing no. cg-18246, text-red-selected">alt.0 with modified ip67 grtext-red-selected">ade junction boxes text-red-selected">as per rdso drg. no. cg-19005 text-red-selected">alt.2 text-red-selected">and both the items text-red-selected">are text-red-selected">a s per rdso specifictext-red-selected">ation no. rdso/2011/cg-04rev.03mtext-red-selected">ake: ftrtipl kes type text-red-selected">as per text-red-selected">annexure. wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty : 36 mo nths fromthe dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery or 24 months fromthe dtext-red-selected">ate of pltext-red-selected">acing in service which ever is etext-red-selected">arlier. note: qutext-red-selected">antity for t pys - 58 nos. to supplied text-red-selected">attpys text-red-selected">and qutext-red-selected">antity for lgds - 87 nos. to supplied text-red-selected">at lgds wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 36 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery
Tender for supply of flexible fltext-red-selected">ame rettext-red-selected">ardtext-red-selected">ant, high performtext-red-selected">ance, polyolefin hetext-red-selected">at shrinktext-red-selected">able tubing od sleeve size 31.7 mm for 150 sq. mm ctext-red-selected">able & crimping sockettext-red-selected">as per rcf specifictext-red-selected">ation edml-176, rev-nil., r ed, yellow & blue colour in equtext-red-selected">al qutext-red-selected">antity. wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery
Tender for design, supply, insttext-red-selected">alltext-red-selected">ation, testing & commissioning of text-red-selected">air conditioning system in new floors11th to 14th text-red-selected">along with text-red-selected">all-inclusive mtext-red-selected">aintentext-red-selected">ance text-red-selected">after expiry of wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period