List of latest a-t-m Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any a-t-m Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for a-t-m Tenders.
Tender for supply of 136 letext-red-selected">ave text-red-selected">account formtext-red-selected">as per stext-red-selected">ample sttext-red-selected">ainless steel pole for milittext-red-selected">ary fltext-red-selected">ag 6 to 7 ft height round btext-red-selected">ase of text-red-selected">approx 8 inch ditext-red-selected">a text-red-selected">ashoktext-red-selected">a emblem in brtext-red-selected">ass on top milittext-red-selected">ary fltext-red-selected">ag embroidered logo size 4ft x 3ft in cotton cloth ltext-red-selected">aser pointer for remote presenttext-red-selected">ation coconut broom with btext-red-selected">amboo stick for outdoor sweeping minimum 400 ptext-red-selected">ages text-red-selected">as per stext-red-selected">ample
Tender for supply of getext-red-selected">ar ctext-red-selected">ase text-red-selected">assembly for hittext-red-selected">achi type trtext-red-selected">action motor text-red-selected">as per clw drg.nos 1 05/1/13/166 text-red-selected">alt.15 2 05 /1/13/167 text-red-selected">alt.5 3 05/1/13/169 text-red-selected">alt.8 4 05/1/13 /203 text-red-selected">alt.1 5 05/4/13/2 04 text-red-selected">alt 1 6 05/4/13/205 text-red-selected">alt 1 7 05/4/13/206 text-red-selected">alt nil 8 modified boss text-red-selected">as per rdso drg.skel - 4626 conforming to rdso mod.0312 dt.29/05/02 note: text-red-selected">all required htext-red-selected">arwtext-red-selected">are items to be p urchtext-red-selected">ased from clw text-red-selected">approved sources only wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of d elivery
Tender for sitc of stext-red-selected">ac bsnl, 1120 supply of 1.5 tr splittext-red-selected">ac itc of 1.5 tr splittext-red-selected">ac sf extrtext-red-selected">a copper pipe beyond 3 mtr sf extrtext-red-selected">a pvc copper ctext-red-selected">able beyond 3 mtr sf extrtext-red-selected">a pvc drtext-red-selected">aintext-red-selected">age pipe beyond 3 mtr sf hetext-red-selected">avy duty powder cotext-red-selected">ated m s sttext-red-selected">and
Tender for supply of set of gtext-red-selected">asket for text-red-selected">aux. compressor type crc-150 drg no cee/nr/trs/94/738 text-red-selected">al t-3 wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery qutext-red-selected">antity tolertext-red-selected">ance +/-: 5 %text-red-selected">age, item ctext-red-selected">ategory : normtext-red-selected">al, tottext-red-selected">al po vtext-red-selected">alue vtext-red-selected">aritext-red-selected">ation permitt ed: mtext-red-selected">ax 8 ltext-red-selected">acs