List of b-complex-with-vit-c-tab Tenders
List of latest b-complex-with-vit-c-tab Tenders in Indian Tenders . Click on any b-complex-with-vit-c-tab Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for b-complex-with-vit-c-tab Tenders .
TRN : 33789570
05 Feb, 2025
Tender for supply of ivermec tin 100 mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">b olus, oxyc lozanide 1 gm c lass="text-red-selec ted">bolus, levofloxac in 10 inj, c efquinome 500 mg inj, amoxyc illin 1500 mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">bolus, ofloxac in 1000 mg ornidazole 2500 mg, amitraz 12.5 e.c , c iprofloxac in 500 mg tinidazole 600 mg tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b, piroxic am 100 mg parac etamol 1500 mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">bolus, oxytetrac yc lin 500 mg tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b., c ephalexin 7.5 powder., amprollium powder 20 powder, enrofloxac in 150 mg tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b, metronidazole 500 mg, furazolidone 250 mg, atropine c lass="text-red-selec ted">bolus 0.5 mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">bolus, sulphametxazole 2 gm trimethoprim 400 mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">bolus, piroxic am 20 mg parac etamol 150 mg inj, c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin a250000 iu, c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit d325000 iu, c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit e100 mg, c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit h12.5 mc g inj, c eftriaxone 500 mg tazoc lass="text-red-selec ted">bac tum 62.5 mg inj, c eftiofur sodium 1.25 gm inj, high potenc y c lass="text-red-selec ted">b c lass="text-red-selec ted">c omplex inj, c eftriaxone 4 gm tazoc lass="text-red-selec ted">bac tum500 mg inj, isoflupredone ac etate 2 mg ml inj, flunixin meglumine inj, gama c lass="text-red-selec ted">benzene hexac hloride c etrimide spray, oxytetrac yc lin 20 inj la, atropine sulphate inj, diminazine ac eturfate c lass="text-red-selec ted">with phenazone inj, antidiarrhoel astringent powder, c alc ium liquid, proc lass="text-red-selec ted">biotic s prec lass="text-red-selec ted">biotic powder, liver tonic c lass="text-red-selec ted">with enzyme liquid
Health Services And Equipments
TRN : 33759859
30 Jan, 2025
Tender for supply of agar agar, c lass="text-red-selec ted">b hi c lass="text-red-selec ted">broth, c lass="text-red-selec ted">bile esc ulin agar, c lass="text-red-selec ted">blood agar c lass="text-red-selec ted">base, c andida c hrom agar, c led agar, c ron meal agar, mac c onkey agar, mueller hinton agar, nutrient agar, peptone water, sac lass="text-red-selec ted">bouraud destrose agar, sac lass="text-red-selec ted">bouraud dextrose agar c lass="text-red-selec ted">with antic lass="text-red-selec ted">biotic s, simmons c itrate agar, triple sugar iron agar, urea agar c lass="text-red-selec ted">base, urea 40 pure, yeast nitrogen c lass="text-red-selec ted">base, rc m, sample c ollec tion c ontainer c lass="text-red-selec ted">with spatula, c roc lass="text-red-selec ted">bol fuc hsin, c otton c lass="text-red-selec ted">blue, c rystal violet, diethy1 ether, dethy1 e solvent, fromalin 37 41 perc etage, grams lodine, glyc erol, hydrogen peroxide 30 perc etage, h2so4 sulfuric ac id, koh potassium hydroxide pellets, kovac s indole reagent, lac tic ac id ar, lac tophenol c otton c lass="text-red-selec ted">bule, lugol s lodine, d mannitol, methanol, methylene c lass="text-red-selec ted">blue trihydrate prac tic al grade, nigrosin, safranine, c lass="text-red-selec ted">blood c ulture c lass="text-red-selec ted">bottle 25x40ml, c lass="text-red-selec ted">blood c ulture c lass="text-red-selec ted">bottle 25x30ml, amikac in ak 30 mc g, amoxyc lav amoxic illin c lavulanc ac id amc 30 mc g, ampic illin amp 10 mc g, azithromyc in azm 15 mc g, aztreonam at 30 mc g, c lass="text-red-selec ted">bac itrac in c lass="text-red-selec ted">b 10 units, c apsofungin c as 5 mc g, c efazoline c z 30 mc g, c efepime c pm 30 mc g, c efixime c fm 5 mc g, c efotaxime c ephotaxime c tx 30 mc g, c efoxitin c ephoxitin c x 30 mc g, c eftazidime c az 30 mc g, c efuroxime c xm 30 mc g, c iprofloxac in c ip 5 mc g, c lidamyc in c d 2 mc g, c olistin methane suphonate c l 10 mc g, c otrimoxazole c o trimoxazole supha trimethoprim c ot 25 mc g, erythromyc in e 15 mc g, fluc onazole flc 25 mc g, furazolidone fr 100 mc g, gentamic in gen 10 mc g, high level gentamic in gentamic in hlg 120 mc g, imipenem ipm 10 mc g, levofioxac in le 5 mc g, linezolid lz 30 mc g, meropenem mrp 10 mc g, mic afungin myc range in ug 0 002 32 mc g ml, mic onazole mic 30 mc g, netillin netilmic in suphate net 30 mc g, nitrofurantion nit 300 mc g, norfioxac in nx 10 mc g, ofloxac in of 5 mc g, optoc hin 5 mc g 50 disc s vl, oxac illin ox 1 mc g, penic illin g p 10 units, teic oplanin tei 30 mc g, tetrac yc ine te 30 mc g, toc lass="text-red-selec ted">bramyc in toc lass="text-red-selec ted">b 10 mc g, vanc omyc in va 30 mc g, voric onazole vrc 1 mc g, aso slide, c rp slide, ra slide, widal slide, immerssion oil
Civil Work
TRN : 33762014
31 Jan, 2025
Tender Value :
5.00 Crore
Tender for supply of azithromyc in, amoxyc illin, c iprofloxac in, dic lofenac , trimethoprim, ic lass="text-red-selec ted">b uprofen, parac etamol, mic onazole, furazolidone , c otrimaxazole, oxytoc ine, gentamyc in, framyc etin, iron suc rose, c alc ium c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit, dexamethazone, dic lofenac sodium, c iprofloxac in eye, zinc dt, disposac lass="text-red-selec ted">ble delivery kit, c etrizine, parac etamol drops, metronidazole, atropine sulphate, pentazoc in, promethazine, povidone iodine sc ruc lass="text-red-selec ted">b, formaldehyde, ringer lac tate, folic ac id, needle, c hromic c atgut, syp ic lass="text-red-selec ted">buprofen, nc gluc onate, c otrimoxazole ds, c ap doxyc yc line, oral rehydration, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b parac etamol 500 mg, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b metronidazole, c ough syp 100 ml, muc us, surgic al gloves powder, surgic al gloves, water soluc lass="text-red-selec ted">ble inj, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b c efixime 200 mg, sodium c hloride, inj magnesium, c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin c lass="text-red-selec ted">b, c annula, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b misoprost 200 mc g, adrenalin, lignoc aine, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b c pm 4mg, sodium hypoc hlorite, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b amlodipine 5 mg, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b metformin 500 mg, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b telmisarton 40 mg, rolled c otton, surgic al spirit, povidone iodine solution, dispo syringre sterile, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b ranitidine, steril disp umc lass="text-red-selec ted">bilic al, iron folic ac id tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">blet c alc ium c lass="text-red-selec ted">with, surgic al ruc lass="text-red-selec ted">bc lass="text-red-selec ted">ber gloves, dic yc lomine, c iprofloxac in, iv dextrose, disposac lass="text-red-selec ted">ble sc alp vein, trimethoprim, syp parac etamol, inj c efotaxim, syp pittantak, syp adulasa, syp liv, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b lac lass="text-red-selec ted">betol, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b glimipride, tac lass="text-red-selec ted">b fluc onazole, metronidazole susp, c ap hydroxyurea