List of cobalt-nitrate Tenders
List of latest cobalt-nitrate Tenders in Indian Tenders . Click on any cobalt-nitrate Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for cobalt-nitrate Tenders .
Education And Research Institutes
TRN : 33768395
03 Feb, 2025
Tender for supply of acetic acid 500ml, acetocarmin e stain 200ml, aceton e 500ml, ben edicts solution 500ml, biuret reagen t 250ml, boilin g tube, boric acid 500 gm, capillory tube stan d, chromatographic paper, n class="text-red-selected">cobaltn> chloride 250ml, cover glass, d glucose an hydrous 500 gm, desicator, distilled water 5000 ml, dollars advan ce research bin ocular microscope, dropper, exten sion chord multi socket, fehlin gs solution a 500ml, fehlin gs solution b 500ml, filter paper, hydrochloric acid 500ml, magn esium sulphate 500 gm, methyl alcohol 500ml, mullen s reagen t 250ml, n itric acid 500ml, petri dish, petroleum ether 500ml, phen ol red 250ml, potassium hydroxide 500 gm, potassium n class="text-red-selected">n itrate n> 500 gm, robert solution 250ml, safran in e stain 250ml, smiths reagen t 250ml, sodium hydroxide 500 gm, sodium hypobromide 500ml, stop watch, sudan iii 100ml, sulphosalycylic acid 500ml, sulphuric acid 500ml, test tube 100mm, urease en zyme 20gm, wide lon g test tube with split cork, squamous epithelium, striated or skeletal muscles, n on striated or smooth muscles, cardiac muscles specimen slides, n erve specimen slides, human blood specimen slides, palisade paren chyma specimen slides, guard cells specimen slides, paren chyma specimen slides, collen chyma specimen slides, scleren chyma specimen slides, ston e cells or sclereids specimen slides, xylem specimen slides, phloem specimen slides, battery ellimin ator o 12v 2 amps, pn jun ction diode semi con ductor diode characteristic apparatus, spectrometer deluxe 15cm, resistan ce box plug type 1 10000 ohms, resistan ce box plug type 0 10 ohms, resistan ce box plug type 0 100 ohms, ammeter dc 0 3 amps, voltmeter dc 0 5 volts, galvan ometer dc 30 0 30, galvan ometer dc 50 0 50, glass slab 100 x 60 x 18mm, len s con vex f 15cm, len s con vex f 20cm, meter scale 1 meter lon g, meter scale half meter lon g, con cave mirror f 15cm, con cave mirror f 20cm, meter scale 1 meter lon g, meter scale half meter lon g, con cave mirror f 15cm, con cave mirror f 20cm, con cave len s f 10cm, con cave len s f 15cm, jun ction diode, reson an ce apparatus pvc pipe, sprin g con stan t apparatus with weights, vern ier calipers steel, screw gauge, glass prism, metre tape 1 100m, exten sion chord 10m, spiral slin ky sprin g, stop clock dollar, metal block alumin ium 20 x 30 x 40mm, geometrical in strumen t box wooden , magn etic compass 18mm dia, horse shoe magn et 7 poin t 5 cm, horse shoe magn et 10cm, bar magn et 7 poin t 5cm, bar magn et 5cm, electromagn et, parallelogram of force apparatus, surface ten sion apparatus capillary tube pattern m, solen oid in ductor 30cm x 2cm, steel wire in 100gm coil
Education And Research Institutes
TRN : 33768454
03 Feb, 2025
Tender for supply of acetaldehyde 500ml, acetic acid 500ml, aceton e 500ml, acetophen on e 500ml, alumin ium metal 250gm, alumin ium n class="text-red-selected">n itraten> 500gm, alumin ium sulphate 500gm, ammon ia solution 1000ml, ammon ium acetate 500gm, ammon ium carbon ate 500gm, ammon ium chloride 500gm, ammon ium oxalate 500gm, ammon ium sulphate 500gm, an ilin e 500ml, barium acetate 500gm, barium carbon ate 500gm, barium chloride 500gm, barium n class="text-red-selected">n itrate n> 500gm, ben zaldehyde 500gm, ben zen e 500 ml, ben zoic acid 500gm, beta n aphthole 250gm, borsches reagen t 125ml, burn erol 500ml, calcium carbon ate 500gm, calcium chloride 500gm, calcium hydroxide 500gm, chloro ben zen e 500ml, chloroform 500ml, chromatographic paper, n class="text-red-selected">cobalt n> n class="text-red-selected">n itrate n> 100gm, copper sulphate 100gm, cuprous chloride 100gm, disodium hydrogen phosphate 500gm, ether 500ml, fehlin g solution a 250ml, fehlin g solution b 250ml, ferric chloride, ferrous sulphate 500gm, ferrous sulphide 500gm, filter paper, glucose 500gm, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide 500ml, iodin e 100ml, lead acetate 500gm, lead chloride 500gm, lead metal250gm, lead n class="text-red-selected">n itrate n> 500gm, lead sulphate 500gm, lime water 500ml, magn esium carbon ate 500gm, magn esium chloride 1000gm, magn esium n class="text-red-selected">n itrate n> 500gm, magn esium ribbon , magn esium sulphate 500gm, man gan ese dioxide 500gm, mercury metal 100gm, methyl oran ge 500ml, mohrs salt 1000gm, n esslers reagen t 500ml, n ickel n class="text-red-selected">n itrate n> 250gm, n itric acid, oxalic acid 500gm, ph paper, phen ol 500 ml, phen olphthalein 250ml, potassium chromate 500gm, potassium dichromate 500gm, potassium ferrocyan ide 500gm, potassium n class="text-red-selected">n itrate n> 500gm, potassium perman gan ate 1000gm, salicylic acid 500gm, schiffs reagen t 250ml, silver zin c sulphate 500gm, zin c carbon ate 500gm, beaker 1000ml glass, beaker 1000ml plastic, beaker 250ml, buerette, con ical flask 100ml, fun n el, dropper plastic 25cm lon g, ton gs 12 in ch, wash bottle plastic 500ml, pippette 50ml, reagen t bottles 250ml, spatula, test tube 10ml, test tube holder, watch glass 3 in ch, min i refrigerator 5ltr, small plastic bottle 10 ml, plastic con tain er 20 g, steel spoon small 7 in ch, gloves, lab coat, glass rod half cm thickn ess, rubber cork 7mm 31mm x 36mm, glass tube half cm thickn ess, cotton roll