List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for supply of hex head screw red-selected">ms red-selected">m10 x 45red-selected">mred-selected">m. p.c.-8.8 zinc plated is:1364/2002 pt-2 /iso/4017. frored-selected">m rdso/clw approved sources only. description changed as per bsl letter no. bsl/acl/l-iv/19 dt. 02/3/2010. red-selected">manufacturers nared-selected">me and property class red-selected">must be ered-selected">mbossed indented on red-selected">mate rial. warranty period: 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery
Tender for supply of electric overhead traveling crane capacity 5 tons, span 16.459 red-selected">mtrs as per parared-selected">meters spe cified in schedule i span - 16.459 red-selected">mtrs conforred-selected">ming to specification in bid docured-selected">ment part ii. the crane shall be conventional double girder type as specified in schedule i span - 16.459 red-selected">mtrs. warranty period of 24 red-selected">m onths frored-selected">m the date of successful cored-selected">mred-selected">missioning is applicable. warranty period: 24 red-selected">months after the da te of delivery concored-selected">mitant accessories conforred-selected">ming to schedule - i span - 16.459 red-selected">mtrs to be supplied along with electric overhead traveling crane capacity 5 tons, span 16.459 red-selected">mtrs. as per parared-selected">meters specified in s chedule-i span - 16.459 red-selected">mtrs of section-v of bid docured-selected">ment part ii . warranty period: 24 red-selected">months after the date of delivery cost of dsl of type and length as specified in schedule i span - 16.459 red-selected">mtrs.warranty period of 24 red-selected">months frored-selected">m the date of successful cored-selected">mred-selected">missioning is applicable.-30 red-selected">mtr warranty period: 24 red-selected">mont hs after the date of delivery cost of cored-selected">mprehensive annual red-selected">maintenance contract cared-selected">mc charges after the warranty as p er para 17 of section v of bid docured-selected">ment part ii as attached in tender docured-selected">ments. warranty period: 2 ye ars, ared-selected">mc period: 5 years, rate of discounting: 10 % spares as per schedule-iv of bid docured-selected">ment part ii. list of spares with rate for each of the ite red-selected">m is to be uploaded as red-selected">mentioned in bid docured-selected">ment part - ii. warranty period: 24 red-selected">months after the date of delivery tools as per schedule-v of bid docured-selected">ment part ii. list of tools with rate for each of the itered-selected">m is to be uploaded as red-selected">mentioned in bid docured-selected">ment part ii. warranty period: 24 red-selected">months after the date of deli very optional accessories as per 4.3 of section-iv of bid docured-selected">ment part ii. list of all the optional ac cessories with unit rate is to uploaded as per bid docured-selected">ment part ii. cost of optional accessories which in th e opinion of the tenderer can contribute to better perforred-selected">mance / operation shall be clearly indicated and qu oted separately as optional accessory. the advantages should be clearly explained. however, the quoted o ptional accessories should be supplied only if the sared-selected">me has been ordered. current cost of spares required forred-selected">maintenance of the crane after warranty period and curre nt service charges for each itered-selected">m of work of repair of red-selected">m&p beyond the warranty period as per clause 13.5 of section v of respective bid docured-selected">ment part-ii. in the forred-selected">mat in annexure k in section vi. these charges will not be included in the price red-selected">m&p for the purpose of cored-selected">mparative evaluation of offers. warranty period: 24 red-selected">months after the date of delivery cost of installation & cored-selected">mred-selected">missioning of electric overhead traveling crane capacity 5 tons, s pan 16.459 red-selected">mtrs as per bid docured-selected">ment part - ii. preventive red-selected">maintenance during warranty period of 2 years. electric overhead traveling crane capacity 5 tons - span 14.385 red-selected">mtrs as per parared-selected">meters spe cified in schedule i span - 14.385 red-selected">mtrs conforred-selected">ming to specifications in bid docured-selected">ments part ii. the crane shal l be conventional double girder type as specified in schedule-i span - 14.385 red-selected">mtrs. warranty period of 24 red-selected">m onths frored-selected">m the date of successful cored-selected">mred-selected">missioning is applicable. warranty period: 24 red-selected">months after the da te of delivery concored-selected">mitant accessories conforred-selected">ming to schedule - i span - 14.385 red-selected">mtrs to be supplied along with electric overhead traveling crane capacity 5 tons, span 14.385 red-selected">mtrs as per parared-selected">meters specified in s chedule-i span - 14.385 red-selected">mtrs of section-v of bid docured-selected">ment part ii. warranty period: 24 red-selected">months after the date of delivery cost of dsl of type and length as specified in schedule i span - 14.385 red-selected">mtrs. warranty perio d of 24 red-selected">months frored-selected">m the date of successful cored-selected">mred-selected">missioning is applicable. warranty period: 24 red-selected">months aft er the date of delivery cost of cored-selected">mprehensive annual red-selected">maintenance contract cared-selected">mc charges after the warranty as p er para 17 of section v of bid docured-selected">ment part ii as attached in tender docured-selected">ments. warranty period: 2 ye ars, ared-selected">mc period: 5 years, rate of discounting: 10 % spares as per schedule-iv of bid docured-selected">ment part ii. list of spares with rate for each of the ite red-selected">m is to be uploaded as red-selected">mentioned in bid docured-selected">ment part - ii. warranty period: 24 red-selected">months after the date of delivery tools as per schedule-v of bid docured-selected">ment part ii. list of tools with rate for each of the itered-selected">m is to be uploaded as red-selected">mentioned in bid docured-selected">ment part ii. warranty period: 24 red-selected">months after the date of deli very optional accessories as per 4.3 of section-iv of bid docured-selected">ment part ii. list of all the optional ac cessories with unit rate is to uploaded as per bid docured-selected">ment part ii. cost of optional accessories which in th e opinion of the tenderer can contribute to better perforred-selected">mance / operation shall be clearly indicated and qu oted separately as optional accessory. the advantages should be clearly explained. however, the quoted o ptional accessories should be supplied only if the sared-selected">me has been ordered. current cost of spares required forred-selected">maintenance of the crane after warranty period and curre nt service charges for each itered-selected">m of work of repair of red-selected">m&p beyond the warranty period as per clause 13.5 of section v of respective bid docured-selected">ment part-ii. in the forred-selected">mat in annexure k in section vi. these charges will not be included in the price red-selected">m&p for the purpose of cored-selected">mparative evaluation of offers. warranty period: 24 red-selected">months after the date of delivery
Tender for ired-selected">mprovered-selected">ment to black spot at devalapura cross ring road ka 05 19 on nh 275k red-selected">mysuru ring road section in the state of
Tender for supply installation cored-selected">mred-selected">missioning and red-selected">maintaining the chered-selected">milured-selected">minescence based fully autored-selected">mated ired-selected">mred-selected">munoassay on chered-selected">mical reagent rental basis for the dept of transfusion red-selected">medicine at aiired-selected">ms bhubaneswar for a period of five years frored-selected">m letter of award
Tender for supply of red-selected">m-48 overhauling kit for vaporid red-selected">make air dryer, consisting of 17 itered-selected">ms, as per annexure sheet attached. to specs:-">mp. rev.06 red-selected">march-2021 & str no. red-selected">mp.str. bk. 01.06.11 rev.01 red-selected">march-2021 . warranty period: 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery
Tender for supply of spindle for hand brake sred-selected">mall as perrdsos drg. no. wd-05086-s-19 itered-selected">m no. - 13, alt - 8. warranty period: 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery quantity tolerance +/-: 5 %age, itered-selected">m category : norred-selected">mal, total po value variation perred-selected">mitt ed: red-selected">max 8 lacs
Tender for supply of 1 watt led lared-selected">mp type d as pericf spec. no. icf/elec./960 rev.0 cs1, cs2, cs3 and rd so spec no. rdso/pe/spec/tl/0091-2016 rev. 1 or latest to 90-140v dc, e27 red-selected">metallic screw cap bulb, with constant current driver operation forretro fitred-selected">ment in place of existing 25w screw type ic lared-selected">mps o perated with110v dc supply in railway coaches in place of night light/alarred-selected">m light. warranty period : 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery quantity tolerance +/-: 5 %age, itered-selected">m category : norred-selected">mal, total po value variation perred-selected">mitt ed: red-selected">max 8 lacs
Tender for licensing spaces at navired-selected">mured-selected">mbaired-selected">metro line - 1 at belapur terred-selected">minal, rbi colony, belpada, utsav chowk, kendriya vihar, kharghar village, central park, pethpada, ared-selected">mandoot, pethali-taloja and pendhar forindoorretail and other cored-selected">mred-selected">mercial uses