List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for a. 2nd and 3rd yearred-selected">maintenance of institutional single planting 1870 nos. b. 2nd and 3rd yearred-selected">maintenance forrural roadside single planting 3688 nos. under city plantation range and pragjyotishpur beat
Tender for annual red-selected">maintenance and repair works of different housing estate under nouth i division housing directorate during the year 2025 26 forroads and building and sanitary and plured-selected">mbing works
Tender for annual red-selected">maintenance and repair works of different housing estate under nouth i division housing directorate during the year 2025 26 forroads and building and sanitary and plured-selected">mbing works
Tender for supply of antenna 50 ohred-selected">ms 136 174 red-selected">mhz antenna 4 for ecred-selected">m jared-selected">mred-selected">merred-selected">mk iired-selected">main board for hhti with lrf antenna iv cable for ecred-selected">m jared-selected">mred-selected">merred-selected">mk ii transistor fet red-selected">mrf 174 forrs stars v red-selected">mk ii transistor type du 12155 powerregulator forrs stars v red-selected">mk iiic fpga 2 prograred-selected">mred-selected">med forrs stars v red-selected">mk ii sered-selected">miconductor devices unitized dual n and p irf 7343 forrs stars v red-selected">mk ii flash disk for bfsr transistor si lp pnp type bcx71j forrs stars v red-selected">mk ii