List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for short terred-selected">mred-selected">maintenance contract stred-selected">mc for nh 02 of ired-selected">mphal kohired-selected">ma road frored-selected">m design ch. kred-selected">m 287.000 saperred-selected">maina to kred-selected">m 290.350 kholep total length 3.350 kred-selected">m in the state of red-selected">manipur s
Tender for overhauling of cored-selected">mpressor with leakage finding and rectify the sared-selected">me including cored-selected">mpressor dehydration and chillerrecored-selected">mred-selected">missioning with replacered-selected">ment of oil filter gasket and refrigerant gas at anired-selected">mal house building etc. to cored-selected">mplete run the chillerred-selected">make
Tender for 8655/e8 repairred-selected">maintenance of ug cables for security light garden light and decorative light and connected works at ins hansa under age ered-selected">m i of ge nw vasco
Tender for spl repair of e and red-selected">m work for building nos a-80 and a-100 at 11 weu happy valley and provn of 01 x 30 kva online ups and cvs continuous voltage stablizer foricu in bldg no h-02 at upper block of red-selected">mh shillong and provn of steel ladders for offrs red-selected">md
Tender for supply, installation and cored-selected">mred-selected">missioning of conditioning chared-selected">mber, cored-selected">mred-selected">municable insulation resistance red-selected">meter, hot set test set and ct and pt for distribution transforred-selected">mer testing