List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for invites expression of interest eoi frored-selected">m qualified indian firred-selected">ms intending to fish for krill or toothfish in the antarctic waters, adred-selected">ministered by the cored-selected">mred-selected">mission for the conservation of antarctic red-selected">marine living resources ccared-selected">mlr
Tender for red-selected">maintenance work of nh-135b rewa -sirred-selected">mour-dabhoura section length 38.00 kred-selected">m under short terred-selected">m red-selected">maintenance contract in the state of red-selected">madhya pradesh
Tender for short terred-selected">mred-selected">maintenance contract rub at kred-selected">m 48/200 of nh 381a of vellakoil to sankariroad in the state of tared-selected">milnadu
Tender for reconstruction of cered-selected">ment concrete drain in place of dared-selected">maged brick drain starting frored-selected">m house of arun shit to house of bandana banerjee transforred-selected">marred-selected">more and house of santi kaiti to jayanta dutta house of ganesh chatterjee to existing culvert at