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Tender for supply of external audit va/pt of 01 one web application comprehensive security audit includ ing uidai checklist and external audit va/pt of 02 two class="text-red-selected">mobile application of pms parcel managem ent system project external audit va/pt of 01 one web application comprehensive security audit inclu ding uidai checklist of uts uts & atvm project and external audit va/pt of 02 two class="text-red-selected">mobile applic ation of uts android, ios and utsonclass="text-red-selected">mobile website project external audit va/pt of 01 one web application and external audit va/pt of 01 one class="text-red-selected">mobile application of tms tms, tmsapi, tmscon, tmsrest project external audit va/pt of 15 web application and external audit va/pt of 03 three mo bile application fois freight operations and information system project external audit va/pt of 01 one web application comprehensive security audit inclu ding uidai checklist and external audit va/pt of 01 one class="text-red-selected">mobile application of hrms human resou rce management system project external audit va/pt of 01 one web application of acpj mers account project external audit va/pt of one 01 web application of acpj tams account project external audit va/pt of 01 one web application acpj arms account project external audit va/pt of 01 one web application of icms integrated coaching manage ment system project external audit va/pt of 01 one web application and external audit va/pt of 01 one class="text-red-selected">mobile application of ntes national train enquiry system project external audit va/pt of 01 one web application comprehensive security audit includ ing uidai checklist of prs core passenger reservation system project, external audit va/pt of 01 one web application comprehensive security audit including uidai checklist of prs-modernization client passenger reservation system project, external audit va/pt of 01 one web application com prehensive security audit including uidai checklist of prs-modernization charting passenger res ervation system project. external audit va/pt of 01 one web application comprehensive security a udit including uidai checklist prs-modernization - divyangjan web application passenger reservati on system project and external audit va/pt of 01 one web application comprehensive security aud it including uidai checklist of primes passenger reservation system project