Canal/Irrigation/Dam Work
TRN : 34019285
11 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
19.90 Crore
Tender for c c lass="text-red-selec ted">o nstruc tic lass="text-red-selec ted">on c lass="text-red-selec ted">of raised trac k alc lass="text-red-selec ted">ong the periphery c lass="text-red-selec ted">of deepc lass="text-red-selec ted">or b eel, pac kage 1
Railway Transport
TRN : 34019290
10 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
3.30 Crore
Tender for c ustc lass="text-red-selec ted">o m b id fc lass="text-red-selec ted">or servic es - c c lass="text-red-selec ted">omplete c lass="text-red-selec ted">operatic lass="text-red-selec ted">on and
hc lass="text-red-selec ted">ousekeeping c lass="text-red-selec ted">of tte rest hc lass="text-red-selec ted">ouse c lass="text-red-selec ted">of ajmer static lass="text-red-selec ted">on inc ludes
c c lass="text-red-selec ted">oc lass="text-red-selec ted">oking serving c lass="text-red-selec ted">of fc lass="text-red-selec ted">oc lass="text-red-selec ted">od tc lass="text-red-selec ted">o staff c leaning pest and rc lass="text-red-selec ted">odent
c c lass="text-red-selec ted">ontrc lass="text-red-selec ted">ol washing c lass="text-red-selec ted">of linen maintenanc e c lass="text-red-selec ted">of lawn fc lass="text-red-selec ted">or 3 years ,
c ustc lass="text-red-selec ted">om b id fc lass="text-red-selec ted">or servic es - sub sidized meal fac ility fc lass="text-red-selec ted">or 3 years
Water Supply And Drainage
TRN : 34019304
18 Mar, 2025
Tender for prc lass="text-red-selec ted">o c urement c lass="text-red-selec ted">of servic es c lass="text-red-selec ted">of travel agenc ies tc lass="text-red-selec ted">o prc lass="text-red-selec ted">ovide vehic les c lass="text-red-selec ted">on mc lass="text-red-selec ted">onthly b asis inc lusive c lass="text-red-selec ted">of fc lass="text-red-selec ted">our different c ategc lass="text-red-selec ted">ories tc lass="text-red-selec ted">o the missic lass="text-red-selec ted">on direc tc lass="text-red-selec ted">orate under jal jeevan missic lass="text-red-selec ted">on, assam pac kage - 03
Security Services
TRN : 34019307
11 Mar, 2025
Tender for c ustc lass="text-red-selec ted">o m b id fc lass="text-red-selec ted">or servic es - c ustc lass="text-red-selec ted">om b id fc lass="text-red-selec ted">or servic es hiring c lass="text-red-selec ted">of
pc lass="text-red-selec ted">orter and pc lass="text-red-selec ted">ony fc lass="text-red-selec ted">or transpc lass="text-red-selec ted">ortatic lass="text-red-selec ted">on c lass="text-red-selec ted">of ratic lass="text-red-selec ted">on
items sk c lass="text-red-selec ted">oil gc lass="text-red-selec ted">ovt stc lass="text-red-selec ted">ores lrp spr expeditic lass="text-red-selec ted">on at
fc lass="text-red-selec ted">orward pc lass="text-red-selec ted">ost and lc lass="text-red-selec ted">oc atic lass="text-red-selec ted">on as given b id dc lass="text-red-selec ted">oc in
respec t c lass="text-red-selec ted">of 4 b n itb pc lass="text-red-selec ted">olic e distt tawang valley
Canal/Irrigation/Dam Work
TRN : 34019309
11 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
15.42 Crore
Tender for c c lass="text-red-selec ted">o nstruc tic lass="text-red-selec ted">on c lass="text-red-selec ted">of rc c flc lass="text-red-selec ted">oc lass="text-red-selec ted">od wall alc lass="text-red-selec ted">ong r/b c lass="text-red-selec ted">of khanajan c hannel frc lass="text-red-selec ted">om dc lass="text-red-selec ted">ownstream c lass="text-red-selec ted">of sluic e c lass="text-red-selec ted">outfall inc luding allied wc lass="text-red-selec ted">orks.
Water Supply And Drainage
TRN : 34019325
18 Mar, 2025
Tender for prc lass="text-red-selec ted">o c urement c lass="text-red-selec ted">of servic es c lass="text-red-selec ted">of travel agenc ies tc lass="text-red-selec ted">o prc lass="text-red-selec ted">ovide vehic les c lass="text-red-selec ted">on mc lass="text-red-selec ted">onthly b asis inc lusive c lass="text-red-selec ted">of fc lass="text-red-selec ted">our different c ategc lass="text-red-selec ted">ories tc lass="text-red-selec ted">o the missic lass="text-red-selec ted">on direc tc lass="text-red-selec ted">orate under jal jeevan missic lass="text-red-selec ted">on, assam pac kage - 02
Municipal Corporation
TRN : 34019333
19 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
49.60 Lacs
Enviromental/Forest Division
TRN : 34019340
12 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
17.39 Lacs
Tender for a. 2nd and 3rd year maintenanc e c lass="text-red-selec ted">o f institutic lass="text-red-selec ted">onal single planting 1870 nc lass="text-red-selec ted">os. b . 2nd and 3rd year maintenanc e fc lass="text-red-selec ted">or rural rc lass="text-red-selec ted">oadside single planting 3688 nc lass="text-red-selec ted">os. under c ity plantatic lass="text-red-selec ted">on range and pragjyc lass="text-red-selec ted">otishpur b eat
Bridge Work
TRN : 34019404
10 Mar, 2025
Tender for c c lass="text-red-selec ted">o nstruc tic lass="text-red-selec ted">on c lass="text-red-selec ted">of 2 lane rc lass="text-red-selec ted">ob in lieu c lass="text-red-selec ted">of level x-ing 415a/3e at naini-manikpur rail sec tic lass="text-red-selec ted">on in railway k.m. 1313/0-1 c lass="text-red-selec ted">of nc r c lass="text-red-selec ted">on shankergarh-nari b ari rc lass="text-red-selec ted">oad
Panchayat Division
TRN : 34019407
10 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
12.22 Lacs
Tender for c c lass="text-red-selec ted">o nstruc tic lass="text-red-selec ted">on c lass="text-red-selec ted">of b c lass="text-red-selec ted">oth side rc c nali nirmad at ward nc lass="text-red-selec ted">o-02, lc lass="text-red-selec ted">ot-03