Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34025863
06 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of inj.multic lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin intec tion ip 200ml , inj.lorazepam 2ml ,
inj.l orinithine l aspartate 5mg 10ml , inj.magnesium
sulphate 2ml 50mg , inj.mannitol , inj.mephentermine ,
inj.mesna 3ml , inj.methotrexate , inj.methyl prednisolone
sodium suc c inate 1gm , inj.methyl prednisolone sodium
suc c inate , inj.methylene blue 10ml , inj.methylergometrine
, inj.metoc lopramide 10ml , inj.metoprolol ,
inj.metronidazole i.v. 100ml , inj.midazolam 10ml vial ,
inj.neostigmine 1ml , inj.noradrenaline 2 ml amp ,
inj.normal saline , inj.oc treotide , inj.ofloxac in ,
inj.ondansetron , inj. oxytoc in , inj.pantoprazole ,
inj.parac etamol , inj.parac etamol infusion , inj.pentazoc ine ,
inj.pheniramine 10 mg i.v , inj.phenobarbitone 1ml ,
inj.phenylephrine 10mg 1ml , inj.phenytoin sodium ,
inj.piloc arpine nitrate 1ml , inj.piperac illin 1gm tazobac tum
0.125gm , inj.pirac etam 60ml , inj.potassium c hloride ,
inj.proc hlorperazine , inj.promethazine , inj.propofol ,
inj.rabies vac c ine, human i.p. 1ml , inj.rec ombinant
human erythropoetin alfa injec tion , inj.reteplase
rec ombinant tissue plasminogen ac tivator 18mg ,
inj.ringer lac tate 500ml , inj.sildenafil c itrate , inj.sodium
bic arbonate 10ml , inj.sodium c hloride , inj.sodium
hyaluranate , inj.streptokinase 1500000 i.u. ,
inj.suc c inylec hloine c hloride 10ml , inj.tetanus
immunoglobulin 250 iu , inj.tetanus toxoid 0.5ml ,
inj.tetanus toxoid 5ml , inj.thiamine pyridoxine
c yanoc obalamine riboflavin nic otinamide d-pantothelate ,
inj.thiamine , inj.thiopentan sodium 500 mg , inj.tramadol
100mg 2ml , inj.tranexamic ac id 500mg 5ml ,
inj.triamc inolone ac etonide , inj.trypan blue 0.8mg ,
inj.valethamate br. 1ml , inj.vanc omyc in 500mg , inj.vasopressin , inj.vec uronium bromide 4mg , inj.vit c vit b
12 folic ac id niac inamide , inj.multic lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin , inj.c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin-k ,
inj.water for injec tion 10ml , lignoc aine jelly 30gm , lotion
bec lomethasone c lotrimazole 30ml , lotion c alamine
diphenhydramine , lotion c lobetasole salic ylic ac id , lotion
c lotrimazole topic al solution , lotion gamabenzene
hexac hloride 50 ml , lotion ketoc onazole 30ml , oil.simyl
mc t 50ml , oil.turpentine 400ml , oint. c iprofloxac in eye
ointment 5 gm , oint.heparin sodium benzyl nic otinate 2mg
sorbic ac id 20gm , oint.mupiroc in 5gm , oint.plac entrex
50gm , oint.silver sulphadiazine 15 gm , powder ac tivated
c harc oal 500gms , powder c lotrimazole 75gm dusting
powder , powder lac todex lbw , powder lac togen no.1 ,
powder magnesium sulphate 100gm c rystals for topic al
solution , powder neosporin , powder povidone iodine 10gm
, sac het c holec alc iferol 60000iu 1gm , sac het hmf , sac het
pro pre biotic , sol. levosalbutamol ipratropium repsules ,
sol. hand senitizer 5 litre c an , sol.surfac e equipment
disinfec tant c onc entrate 500ml , sol.budesonide respules
0.5mg , sol.c hlorhexidine gluc onate c etrimide ,
sol.c hlorhexidine mouth wash 80ml , sol.c hlorinated lime
pure boric ac id 500 ml , sol.c hloroxylenolterpinelol alc ohol
absolute 500ml , sol.ec oshild , sol.formaldehyde 500ml ,
sol.glyc erine pure 400ml , sol.haemoc oagulase 0.2 c u
10ml , sol.heparin sodium topic al 5ml , sol.hydrogen
peroxide 500ml , sol.instrument disinfec tant 500ml ,
sol.merc uroc hrome 400ml , sol.mic robar suspension.barium
sulphate bp 95gm 100ml , sol.povidine iodine gargle 50 ml
, sol.povidine iodine sc rub 7.5 500ml , sol.povodine iodine
5 500ml , sol.salbutamol 15 ml , sol.sevoflurane 250ml ,
sol.spirit c linic al 400ml , sol.tinc ture benzoin c ompound
500ml , sol.tric lofos 500mg 30ml , spray flutic asone
propionate aqueous nasal spray 12ml 120 metered doses ,
spray xyloc aine 10 , sterile distilled water 5 liter ,
suppositories bisac odyl adult10mg , suppositories
bisac odyl c hild 5mg , suppositories dic lofenac 25mg ,
suppositories dic lofenac 12.5 mg , susp.dic yc lomine
hydroc hloride 10mg simethic one 40mg 30ml ,
syp.amoxyc illin 200mg c lavulanic ac id 28.5mg ip 228.5mg
5ml 30ml , syp.ambroxol hc l salbutamol ,
syp.azithromyc in , syp.c alc ium phosphate phosphorus
150mg magnesium hydroxide zinc gluc onate vit.d3 200iu
200ml , syp.c efixime 100mg 5ml 30ml ,
syp.c hlorphenarmine phenylephrine parac etamol bottle of
60 ml , syp.digoxin , syp.disodium hydrogenc itrate ,
syp.antac ide bottle of. 170ml , syp.frusemide ,
syp.ibuprofen parac etamol , syp.iron folic ac id 200ml ,
syp.lac tulose , syp.levetrac etam , sol.liquid paraffin
400ml , syp.mefenamic ac id , syp.metronidazole , syp.milk
of magnesia liqd.paraffin na.pic osulfate 170ml ,
syp.ofloxac in metronidazole 30ml , syp.ondansetron ,
syp.oseltamavir , syp.phenytoin sodium , syp.potassium
c hloride , syp.ranitidine , syp.suc ralfate , syp.sodium
valproate , syp.bc ompex with c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin c bottle of 170 ml ,
syp.zinc ac etate , tab.ac amprosate 333mg ,
tab.ac ec lofenac parac etamol serratiopeptidase ,
tab.ac ec lofenac c hlorzoxazone parac etamol ,
tab.ac enec omoral 2mg inj.multic lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin mulltiminaral, water for intec tion ip 200ml,
inj.lorazepam 2ml, inj.l-orinithine-l-aspartate 5mg/10ml,
inj.magnesium sulphate 2ml 50mg, inj.mannitol 20% 100m,
inj.mephentermine 30 mg/ml 10ml, inj.mesna 3ml,
inj.methotrexate 15mg/ml 1ml, inj.methyl prednisolone
sodium suc c inate 1gm, inj.methyl prednisolone sodium suc c inate 40mg , inj.methyl prednisolone sodium suc c inate
500mg , inj.methylene blue 10ml, inj.methylergometrine
Power Plant
TRN : 34016765
28 Feb, 2025
Tender for supply of m1429681707 anti rabies immunoglobulin vial 2ml ,
m1484304100 c otton bandage 15c mx5m ,
m1435869460 povidone iodine 500 ml , m1395700001
c alamine lotion point c aladryl lotion pfizer ,
m1405358601 c alc irol sac het c adila vit d sac hetgsk , m1308990472 iron with zinc folic ac id ,
m1405820601 multic lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin e plus minaral tab point ,
m1395140002 pentaprazole and domperidone pan d
alke , m1395361703 c otton surgic al 500gm
unsterilized , m1484319004 c otton c rape bandage
15c mx4m , m1490475000 ec g endosc opy ultra sound
jelly , m1327491555 pac k ors powder 21 point 80 gm
pac ket elec t , m1380990092 gauge thans 60c ms x
20mtrs , m1482231000 gloves disposable non sterile
pair 7 , m1433285020 inj etophylline plus theo 84 point
7 plus 25 point 3mg , m1412305111 injec tion dic lofenac
sodium-50mg 3ml , m1402657010 ondansetron 2mg ml
2ml inj ampule , m1404422000 inj lignoc aine 2persent ,
m1404430000 inj lignoc aine with adrenaline 2persent
, m1323126332 metronidazole inj point 500 mg 100 ml
aristo , m1422628111 injec tion c eftriaxone 1 gm ,
m1412795309 parac etamol 10mg ml-inj 100ml ,
m1402583010 metoc lopramide 5mg ml ampule 2ml ,
m1411457001 phenytoin sodium 50mg ml ,
m1429940704 tetanus toxide , m1405640111 i point v
point fluid dextrose 5persent , m1405622021 iv fluid
dextrose plus normal sal point 200-500ml ,
m1405629021 bottle normal salaine 500- ml iv ,
m1405644021 i point v point fluid ringer lac tate sol
500ml , m1484250002 paper adhsv mi-pore 2 point
5c mx10m , m1484250006 paper adhsv mi-pore 1 point 25c mx10m , m1416625101 mixofloxac in hydroc loride
eye drops , m1482240200 gloves nitrile medium
purple , m1416235001 c hloramphenic ol oint ,
m1416740105 oxymetazoline paeddrop , m1484257000
plaster dynaplast 10 c m x 6 m , m1484335000 pop
bandage 10c mx3m , m1435375111 ointment
antifungal 5 gm , m1435172460 savlon solution
500ml , m1395015148 silver sulfadiazinec ream -
250gm silv , m1484301001 c ool bandage 10c mx5m ,
m1484350150 spirit surgic al 500 ml , m1339031026 syp
urine alkaliser 100 ml bottle alkac , m1395070002
c hlorpheniramine plus parac etamol plus phenylephr
, m1402482022 syrup lac tulose 200ml , m1395200001
albendazole syp , m1482666001 syringe disposable
03ml , m1482670001 syringe disposable 10ml ,
m1482664000 syringe with needle disposable 2 ml ,
m1482668000 syringe with needle disposable 5 ml ,
m1421088001 c etrizine syrup , m1422222575
azithromyc in 200mg 5ml , m1395060001 brozedex syp
100 ml , m1395990218 amoxyc ilin plus c lavunic ac id
125mg plus 32 point 25m , m1433505100 montelukast
sodium 4mg syrup , m1422423571 c efixime 100 mg 5ml
syp point , m1315031026 c etirizine-10mg point tab -
alerid c ipla c , m1315031114 fexofenadine-120mg
point tab allegra-sanofi , m1395990709 amoxyc ilin
plus c lavulanic ac id 500mg plus 12 , m1395011166
azithromyc in - 500mg point tab azee c ipla ,
m1308990027 c alc ium tablets americ an remedies us ,
m1395990036 parac etamol 650 mg tab c roc in-gsk
c alp , m1402223606 drotaverine 80 mg tab ,
m1315051079 antic old point tab alerid-d c ipla c et ,
m1405952100 c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin-c -500mg point tab , m1302767013
dic yc lo 20mg plus pc m 500mg tab point meftal spa ,
m1419610100 metformin-500 mg point sr point tab point
, m1406971601 metoprolol sr 50 mg tab point ,
m1395527514 c hlorzoxazone dic lofeenac
parac etamol ta , m1395110001 monelukast plus
levoc etrizine tab point montair , m1395324010
pantaprazole 40 mg pan , m1395060002 tab
parac etamol 500mg point c roc in tab gsk p ,
m1407565100 telmisartan 40 mg tab , m1407567053
tab telma h , m1410180100 betahistine 16 mg tab point
, m1323876114 albendazole 400 mg tab zentel-gsk
alde , m1412108111 ac ec lofenac 100mg plus parac etamol
325mg , m1395250001 ac ec lofenac plus parac etamol
plus serratiopept , m1435780075 mupiroc in c ream
oint 5gm , m1416910001 tobramyc in for eye 0 point
3persent , m1414103111 zytee gel 10 ml , m1406065100
amlodipine besylate 5
Health Services And Equipments
TRN : 34019773
01 Mar, 2025
Panchayat Division
TRN : 34009219
06 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
4.99 Crore
Tender for supply of absorbent c otton wool 100 gm , alc ohol or spirit swab ,
amikac in inj 500 mg 2 ml amp or vial , amlodepin tab 5mg ,
dry syrup amoxyc illin 200 mg with c lavulanic ac id 28 5 mg
per 5m 60 ml bottle , amoxyc illin with c lavulanic ac id tab ,
c ap amoxyc illin 250 mg , c ap amoxyc illin 500 mg , anti
rabies vac c ine im human tissue c ulture 1 ml , antisnake
venom serum strerile powder with strerile water lyophilized
sterile solution 10 ml , asc orbic ac id c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin c 500mg , tab
atenelol 50mg , tab azithromyc in 250 mg , tab
azithromyc in 500 mg , benzyl benzoate lotion , c efotaxime
inj , tab c etrizine hydroc hloride 10mg , syrup c etrizine 5mg
per 5 ml , c hromic c atgut with needle , c iprofloxac in eye
and or ear drop , inj c iprofloxac in 100 ml iv , tab
c iprofloxac in 250 mg , c lotrimazole c ream 15 gm tube ,
syrup trimethoprim40 mg with sulphamethoxazole 200 mg
50 ml bottle , tab trimethoprim with sulphamethoxazole ds
, tab trimethoprim with sulphamethoxazole ss , c ough
expec torant , inj c yanoc obalamine , inj dexamethasone , iv
dextrose d5 500ml , dextrose with normal saline inj iv 500
ml , inj diazepam 5 mg per ml , tab diazepam 5mg ,
dic lofenac gel , inj dic lofenac sodium , tab dic lofenac
sodium 50mg , tab dic yc lomine hydroc hloride 10mg ,
disposable needle no 23 , disposable non traumatic razer
, disposable sc alp vein set no 23 , disposable syringe
sterile with needle 1 inc h 2 ml , tab domperidone 10mg
mouth dissolving , tab fluc onazole 150mg , tab folic ac id
5mg , tab furazolidone 100mg , inj gentamic in 40mg per
ml 2 ml amp or vial , tab glimiperide 2mg , gluteraldehyde
solution with ac tivator , iv sets with hypodermic needle 21
g of 1 point 5 inc h length , tab ibuprofen 400mg , inj
c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin k water soluble 1 ml , inj iron suc rose ferric
hydroxide c omplex with suc rose equivalent to elemental
irons , makintosh double c olour water proof rubber , tab
metformin 500mg , inj metronidazole iv , susp
metronidazole , tab metronidazole 200mg , tab
metronidazole 400 mg , tab ondansetron 4mg , oral
rehydration salt powder ors , tab pantoprazole 40mg ,
paper adhesive plaster 1 inc h by 5 meter , tab parac etamol
500mg , inj pentazoc ine ip , inj pheniramine maleate 22
point 75 mg per ml , povidone iodine ointment 15 mg tube ,
inj ranitidine 25 mg per ml , inj ringer lac tate iv 500 ml
bottle , rolled c otton bandage as per sc hedule f ii 7point5
c m by 4mtr , silver sulphadiazine c ream , inj sodium
c hloride normal saline 0 point 9 perc ent iv 100 ml bottle ,
inj sodium c hloride normal saline 0 point 9 perc ent iv 500
ml bottle , surgic al blade 22 no , surgic al rubber gloves 6
point 5 no , surgic al rubber gloves 7 no , syrup
furazolidone 25 mg per 5 ml 60 ml bottle , tab
c hlorthalidone 6 point 25mg , tab telmisartan 40mg , tab
trimethoprim 20 mg with sulphamethoxazole100 mg
paediatric , tab c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin b c omplex nfi , water for
injec tion 5ml
Enviromental/Forest Division
TRN : 34011550
04 Mar, 2025
Scientific Research/Instruments
TRN : 33987736
04 Mar, 2025
Security Services
TRN : 33957488
04 Mar, 2025
Security Services
TRN : 33960322
05 Mar, 2025
Security Services
TRN : 33952616
03 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
55.79 Lacs
Railway Transport