Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the State Government Of West Bengal for
Const Of 6 Nos Horizontal Filtration Unit At The Land Of 1. Yashbindra Pradhan, Beech Gaon 2. Samuel Lepcha 3. Kubirman Bhujel 4. Moses Lepcha, Challamthung 5. Dip Thsering Lepcha, Beech Gaon 6. Keshar Sharma, Chhalamthung At Sindepong Imis
in Kalimpong - West Bengal has been published.
The last date of this tender is 08/02/2025, work value is
463794 INR,
EMD is 9276 INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.