Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply of D RE 95 Closed Suction Catheter14 Fr , D RE 95 Dispo
epidural spinal catheter set 16 G with LOR syringe , D RE 95
Dispo epidural spinal catheter set 18 G with LOR syringe , D
RE 95 folleys catheter double Lumen late 6 fr , D RE 95
Sterile corrugated drains , D RE 95 Transparent dressing 67
cm , D RE 95 Bandage contact lens , D RE 95 Silicon gel
insole Medium , D RE 95 Silicon gel insole Large , D RE 95
Falloprings , D RE 95 Bowiedick indicator strip for checking
autoclaving efficiency
in Darjeeling - West Bengal has been published.
The last date of this tender is 28/02/2025, work value is
91213 INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.