Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply of A4 Paper , Excel bond paper , Jetter Pen Blue ink , Jetter Pen
Black ink , Jetter Pen Red ink , Notebook Unruled , Leather
file , Expanding file , Scissors , Binder clip small size , Cello
tape , Cello Tape Dispenser , Pencil , Whitener Pen or
Correction Pen , Stapler size 10 , Stapler pin size 10 ,
Whiteboard Duster , Fourfold file , My clear bag , Permanent
marker , Whiteboard Marker , Highlighter Pen , Gum bottle ,
Glue Stick , Envelope 8x10 , Gem clip , Sticky notes
in Kalyani - West Bengal has been published.
The last date of this tender is 03/03/2025, work value is
0 (Refer Doc) INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.