Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Corporations And Associations And Others Of Tamil Nadu for
Part-A _Office Works _ Basic and Detailed Engineering as
defined in the tender document. , PART_B _Site Works_Site
Construction supervision, Material Store Management,
Mechanical completion, Commissioning and handing over as
details mentioned in scope of work of the tender . ,
Additional work and services to be performed from office
inclusive of all overheads, charges etc and no other claim
shall be entertained , Additional work and services to be
performed on the site inclusive of all overheads, charges etc
and no claim shall be entertained , Foreign Inspections
i.e.Boarding, lodging, food expenses etc. all inclusive but
exclusive of to and fro Economy class air fare
in Coimbatore - Tamil Nadu has been published.
The last date of this tender is 07/03/2025, work value is
0 (Refer Doc) INR,
EMD is 2000000 INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.