Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply of Plastic pots made of fresh plastic 30 cm diameter multiple
30 cm height , Plastic pots made of fresh plastic 20 cm
diameter multiple 20 cm height , Plastic pots made of fresh
plastic 15 cm diameter multiple 15 cm height , Plastic pots
made of fresh plastic 10 cm diameter multiple 10 cm height
, Seed displayer Single cavity small size , Plastic peg with
loop on top for pot identification 75 cm height , Plastic
portray for seedlings of 50 cavities , Plastic portray for
seedlings of 98 cavities , Tassel bag, 42 multiple 18 multiple
10 cm made of high strength sack kraft paper , Parchment
paper bag 42 multiple 10 cm , Parchment paper bag 35
multiple 9 cm , Parchment paper bag 20 multiple 8 cm ,
Nylon net selfing bag with closing string for veg crop 30
multiple 20 cm , Nylon net selfing bag with closing string for
veg crop 45 multiple 30 cm , Nylon net selfing bag with
closing string for veg crop 70 multiple 45 cm , Markin Cloth
Bag 1 Kg capacity size 22 multiple 15 cm , Markin cloth bag
2 kg capacity size 30 multiple 17 cm , Markin cloth bag 5 kg
capacity size 45 multiple 30 cm , Markin Cloth bag 10 Kg
capacity size 52 multiple 35 cm , Markin Cloth bag 20 Kg
capacity size 75 multiple 45 cm , Jute canvas bag, 50 Kg
capacity 85 multiple 65 cm , Jute canvas bag, 20 Kg
capacity 68 multiple 43 cm , Polythene bag 250 g capacity
size 15 multiple 10 cm , Polythene bag half Kg capacity size
22 point 5 multiple 15 cm , Polythene bag 1 Kg capacity size
30 multiple 17 point 5 cm , Polythene bag 5 Kg capacity size
45 multiple 30 cm , Polythene bag with locking system Thick
quality size 10 multiple 7 cm , Plant tag with thread tag
label slash price label oval shape , Plastic water proof label
with eyelet and thread size 10 multiple 5 cm , Water proof
tag label with eyelet and thread size 6 multiple 3 cm ,
Aluminium label with wire size 8 multiple 3 cm , Yellow seed
packet 17 multiple 9 cm , Yellow Seed Packet 15 multiple 8
cm , Plasticlinedaluminium foil pouches 3 layered for gene
bank size 30 multiple 23 cm , Breeding clips 30 mm length
1000 per packet , Threshing Sheet Made of Dasuti Cloth 3
multiple 3 meter , Field note book , Seed counting board
counting board made of plastic sheet 50 slash100 round
shape holes as per seed size
in Jhansi - Uttar Pradesh has been published.
The last date of this tender is 06/03/2025, work value is
0 (Refer Doc) INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.