Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply of Chair dining FD 279 , Chair Easy FD 229 , Hat Stand with
Mirror FD 361 , Table Peg FD 384 , Sofa set 4 seater FD 281
, Sofa set 5 seater FD 281 , Side Board FD 1112 , Table 3 x 2
without drawer FD 284 , Table 3 x2 with drawer FD 283 ,
Table Centre FD 274 , Table Dining 6 Pers FD 273 , Teapoy
FD 382 , Table Writing FD 275 , Almirah large steel with
shelves FD 1031 , Almirah med with shelves FD 1032 , Book
Case Steel FD 1028 , Chair Verandah FD 359 , Chair wirting
FD E6 MAP 12 , Ladder for loft FD 1025 , Locker Bed side
steel FD 1029 , Table 1520 x 860 x760 mm FD 289 ,
Recepticle large TP , Almirah large steel half Hanging half
Shelf FD E6 MAP 18 , Bath stool PVC TP , Bed Hard FD E6
MAP 08 R , Bin Linen multipurpose FD E6 MAP 09 , Charpoy
with hard top FD MAP II 01 , Chair dining Offrs FD MAP II 04 ,
Chair Computer TP , Chair school with hand board FD E6
MAP 05 , Rack Shoe steel FD E6 MAP 02 R , Recepticle Small
PVC TP , Table Bed side map FD E6 MAP 15 R , Table dining
JCOs Ors FD MAP II 03 , Almirah Mess Utensil FD 93 M ,
Table dressing ladies incl stool FD MAP II 07
in Agra - Uttar Pradesh has been published.
The last date of this tender is 13/03/2025, work value is
10078392 INR,
EMD is 500000 INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.