Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Corporations And Associations And Others Of Jharkhand for
Supply of 36kV, 3150A, Porceline Bushing with metal parts & gaskets
suitable for LV side Neutral of 90MVA ST(Station
Transformer; 400/11.5kV, Make: BHEL), 52kV, 800A,
OIP/Condenser Bushing with metal parts & gaskets suitable
for HV side Neutral of 90MVA ST(Station Transformer;
400/11.5kV, Make: BHEL), 52kV, 3250Amps OIP Condenser
Bushing for LV side(33kV) of 315MVA ICT(400/220/33kV;
Make: BHEL)., 36kV, 1000A HV Side Neutral porcelain
Bushing for 315MVA ICT(400/220/33kV, Make: BHEL), 36kV,
2000A, Porceline Bushing with metal parts & gaskets
suitable for HV side of 25MVA UT(Unit Transformer;
21/11.5kV, Make: BHEL) ., 17.5kV, 2000A, Porceline Bushing
with metal parts & gaskets suitable for LV side/ LV Side
Neutral of 25MVA UT(Unit Transformer; 21/11.5kV, Make:
BHEL) ., 17.5kV, 2000A, Porceline Bushing with metal parts
& gaskets suitable for HV side of 16MVA UAT(Unit Auxiliary
Transformer; 11/3.5kV, Make: BHEL), 17.5kV, 5000A,
Porceline Bushing with metal parts & gaskets suitable for LV
side/ LV Neutral of 16MVA UAT(Unit Auxiliary Transformer;
11/3.5kV, Make: BHEL)
in Koderma - Jharkhand has been published.
The last date of this tender is 14/03/2025, work value is
1919277 INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.