Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply of Inj Fentanyle 50 mcg per 10 ml vial , Inj Dexmedetomidine
100 mcg per ml , inj Phenylepherine 10 mg 1ml , Inj
Lignocaine Solution HCl 2 percent for IV use vial of 50 ml ,
Inj Rocuronium 10 mg per ml 10 ml Vial , Inj Esmolol pack
containing 100mg in 10 ml vials , Inj Nitroglycerine 5 mg ,
Inj Sodium Bicarbonate 7 point 5 percent , Diclofenac
Suppository 100mg , OT Pack Large Gamma Irradiation
sterilised consisting of Operating gown , Dressing Medicated
adhesive 25 cm x 6 cm in single strip pack , Laryngoscope
Adult bulb for , Laryngoscope cell Small 1 point 5 Volt AA
Size , Povidone Iodine 7 point 5 percent Solution 100 ml , 1
percent w per v available iodine in non oxynoi iodine
surfactant base 500 ml bott , Chlorhexidine gluconate 2
percent in 70 percent isopropyl alcohol 500 ml bott ,
Povidone iodine10 percent solution USP equivalent to
1percent available iodine 500 ml bott , Paraformaldehyde
Tab , Povidone Iodine 10 percent solution bott of 100 ml ,
Hemostatic Sponge Gelatine 80mm long 50mm broad
10mm thick , Knife Bard packer blade size 1 fitting
commercial No 11 packet of 6 , Knife Bard parker blade size
1 fitting Commercial No10 packet of 6 , Skin graft blades for
Humbys knife blade Pkt of 10 blades , Endopath curved
Merriland Dissector 5mm with Unipolar Cautery ,
Laparoscopic mesh fixation device absorbable tacker 5mm
shaft with 20 30 tacks , Laparoscopic absorbable mesh
fixation d5mm shaft with 20 30 tacks , 33mm
haemorrhoidal circular stapler staple height , Inj
Neostigmine 0 point 5mg per 1ml
in Jalandhar - Punjab has been published.
The last date of this tender is 15/03/2025, work value is
5483461 INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.