Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply of Pacing wire bipolar , Saphenous vein cannulae comma
sterile , Silastic tape 2mm width yellow , Skin marker with
measuring scale , Vaccum drain asssorted sizes dash 10
comma 12 comma14 comma 16 comma 18 , Epicardial fat
retractor coronary artery retraction clip , Gamma Sterile Gel
For Ultrasonic and Electrical Transmission Skin Contact 20
Gm Sachet , Sterile Transparent Semi permiable comma
thin polyurathane film latex free with water repellent hypo
allergic acrylate , Stapler Remover Disposable ,
Antimicrobial incise drape 60 x 45 cm , Antimicrobial incise
drape 60 x 60cm , Drape Contains A Complex Of Iodoform N
dash Vinyl 2 Pyrrolidine With A Iodine Concentration Of 0
point 092 Mg Iodine oblique Cm2 , PUR arterial catheter
20G 5cm with integral extension comma guide wire comma
introducer needle , Arterial cannula 20 g oblique 1 point
10mm x 45mm 49ml oblique min , Alcohol Wipes Alcohol
42g comma 0 point 05g Didedeylimethyl Ammonium
Chloride Containing Rapid Disinfection Wipes 20x22cm
comma Flow Pack Of 100 Wipes comma passes en 14476
and EN 16615 , Cleanisept Wipes Maxi 100 percentage Pet
Premoistened Towellets In Dispenser Containing
Disinfecting Wipes Containing Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl , OT
Table Kit dash Super Absorbent Table Sheet Non Slippery
Impervious 102x230cm Draw Sheet 102x152 Cm Max
Weight Capacity 200 Kg Armboard Cover With Straps
Impervious Headboard Cover Impervious , Specimen
despatch container 100ml , Specimen despatch container
500ml , Specimen despatch container 2000 ml , Glucostrips
compatible with one touch machine bott of 50 strips , Knee
oblique Arm Rest Gel Pad 100 percentage silicon based
comma encased with Thermoplastic polyurethane film
comma with antimicrobial coating , Universal Gel Pillows,
Dia mm160x80x40mm 100 percentage silicon based
comma encased with Thermoplastic polyurethane film
comma with antimicrobial coating , Disposable infant
defibrillator paddles oblique electrodes compatible with
sholl defibrillator cum monitor , Disposable adult
defibrillator paddles oblique electrodes 8 dash 13cm
compatible with sholl monitor , Endotracheal Tube 3 point 5
With Microcuff , Endotracheal Tube 4 point 0 With Microcuff ,
Endotracheal Tube 4 point 5 With Microcuff , Endotracheal
Tube 5 point 0 With Microcuff , Endotracheal Tube 5 pont 5
With Microcuff
in Pune - Maharashtra has been published.
The last date of this tender is 08/03/2025, work value is
0 (Refer Doc) INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.