Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply of Laryngoscopic set , Hypophorygoscope with Endoscopy
carrier 12000 permium quality , Oesophagoscopy without
endoscopy carrier 4 into 10 , Sterilization Box for
Laryngscope , Microlarngeal cup forcep seerated jaw curved
left 25cm , Microlarngeal cup forcep seerated jaw curved l
right 25cm , microlaryngeal cup forcep 25 35 straight ,
Microlarngeal scissor 25cm left right straight , laryngeal
suction 25dot35 cm , Septoplasty , speculum nasal killian
50mm 5 to 1 by 8 inch , speculum nasal killian 70mm to 1
by 8 inch , speculum nasal killian 90mm 5 to 1 by 8 inch ,
joseph nasal rasper line , cottle messing nasal rasper coarse
, cottle cartiage crusher 2NX11 by 21insh 1 dot 2 bits ,
Blacklesy nasal forcep upward 45 degree and 0 degree ,
sickly knife diuble edged standrad model medium curved
6percent inch , Freers speclum elevator graduated 4mm
spatula and 3mm round , cottle septum elevator graudate
4mm spatula and 3mm round , Boies nasaln elevator9mm
71by21 inch , killanssuction tubes 3mm long curved 53by4
inch , lusul nasal forcep paediatric and adult p 1008 Adult ,
waslsham speculum straight forcep , Ashaspeclum straight
forcep , Heymannasul turbinectomy sissor , Walter sisscor
angled 10cm , Tilleys Nasal forcep , crisel 3mm 4mm
Straight and curved right and left , Kilian Couge , cottle
mallet , Return ball probe slightedly curved double ended ,
sterilization box for septoplasty set , Anenotosillectomy ,
Russel Davis Tongue Depressor with central channel size 1
and 2 and 3 and4 , Draffin Bipod stand for Mouth gas ,
Vankauer suction tube , Lopazreinke tonsil disector with
scuker , Henkie dissector double ended , Moillisons anterior
piller retactor , Blohmke tonsil grasping forcep 20 cm ,
Toemmis adesons tonsil scissor curved blunt and fine and
delicate 17dot5 , Backmann adeniod currete set of 3 small
medium large 3 Pcs 1 each , Backhaus towel clamp , Tonsil
seizing forcep , Tonsil snare , Negus Knotbytie pusher ,
Negus tonsil artery forcep large curve 190mm , Birkett
artery forcep straight 180mm , Denis brownie tonsil holding
forcep , Sterlization box foratove
in Srinagar - Jammu And Kashmir has been published.
The last date of this tender is 14/03/2025, work value is
0 (Refer Doc) INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.