Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply of 6UP3_Impeller CI_Part_No_6UP3CI159 , 6UP3_Bearing cover
NDE CI_Part_No_6UP3CI271 , 6UP3_Bearing cover DE
CI_Part_No_6UP3CI270 , 6UP3_Bearing cap
CI_Part_No_6UP3CI274 , 6UP3_Shaft Sleeve
DE_NDE_CI_Part_No_6UP3CI310 , 6UP3_Upper and Lower
casing CI_Part_No_6UP3CISTABA , 6UP3_Rotating Assy Std
Ftd_Part_No_6UP3STDFTDSUBRUA2 , 6UP3_Bearing holder
NDE CI_Part_No_6UP3CI253 , 6UP3_Shaft sleeve nut LH
Bronze_Part_No_6UP3BR3341 , 6UP3_Shaft sleeve nutRH
Bronze_Part_No_6UP3BR334 , 6UP3_Split Gland
Bronze_Part_No_6UP3BR229 , 6UP3 Stuffing Box Bush
Bronze_Part_No_6UP3BR350 , 6UP3_Bearing holder DE
CI_Part_No_6UP3CI241 , 6UP3_Gland CI_Part_No_6UP3CI223
, 6UP3_Set of key AISI410_Part_No_6UP3AISI410SSOK1 ,
6UP3_Shaft C_40_Part_No_6UP3C40180 , 6UP3_Casing
wearing ring_del_CI_Part_No_6UP3CI191 , 6UP3_Casing
wearing ring_suct_CI_Part_No_6UP3CI190 , 6UP3_Bearing
Housing Unit STD_Part_No_6UP3STDSUBBHU6UP3 ,
6UP3_Split Lantern Ring Bronze_Part_No_6UP3BR227 ,
6UP4_Split lantern ring Bronze_Part_No_6UP4BR227 ,
6UP4_Split Gland CI_Part_No_6UP4CI229 , 6UP4_Shaft
sleeve nut LH Bronze_Part_No_6UP4BR3341 , 6UP4_Casing
wear ring_Del_CI_Part_No_6UP4CI1901 , 6UP4_Shaft CW C
40_Part_No_6UP4C40180 , 6UP4_Casing wear
ring_Suc_CI_Part_No_6UP4CI190 , 6UP4_Bearing holder DE
CI_Part_No_6UP4CI241 , 6UP4_Bearing holder NDE
CI_Part_No_6UP4CI253 , 6UP4_Shaft Sleeve DE_NDE
CI_Part_No_6UP4CI310 , 6UP4_Rotating Assy Std
Ftd_Part_No_6UP4STDFTDSUBRUA2 , 6UP4_Bearing
cap_CI_Part_No_6UP4CI274 , 6UP4_Shaft sleeve nut RH
Bronze_Part_No_6UP4BR334 , 6UP4_Impeller
CI_Part_No_6UP4CI159 , 6UP4_Bearing cover NDE
CI_Part_No_6UP4CI271 , 6UP4_Bearing cover DE
CI_Part_No_6UP4CI270 , 6UP4_Clamping plate
MS_Part_No_6UP4MS224 , 6UP4_Bearing lock nut
C_40_Part_No_6UP4C40336 , 6UP4_Top and Bottom Assy
CI_Part_No_6UP4CISTABA , 6UP4_Set of Key
C_40_Part_No_6UP4C40SSOK1 , DSM4RM_Split gland
CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI229 , DSM4RM_Impeller 1st stage
CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI157 , DSM4RM_Impeller 2nd stage
CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI158 , DSM4RM_Lantern ring
CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI227 , DSM4RM_Set of fastners
MS_Part_No_DSM4RMMSSSOF1 , DSM4RM_Top and Bottom
assy CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCISTABA , DSM4RM_Bearing cap
CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI274 , DSM4RM_Wear ring
CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI190 , DSM4RM_Bearing cover NDE
CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI271 , DSM4RM_Bearing cover DE
CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI270 , DSM4RM_Pump shaft
C_40_Part_No_DSM4RMC40180 , DSM4RM_Bearing cartdge
DE CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI241 , DSM4RM_Bearing cartdge
NDE CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI253 , DSM4RM_Round lock nut
C_40_Part_No_DSM4RMC40335 , DSM4RM_Rotating Assy
sleeve CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI310 , DSM4RM_Shaft sleeve
CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI311 , DSM4RM_Clamping plate S
Gland MS_Part_No_DSM4RMMS224 , DSM4RM_Bearing
DSM4RM_Interstage Diaphragm CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI462 ,
DSM4RM_Inter stage ring CI_Part_No_DSM4RMCI204 ,
DSM4RM_Set of Key C40_Part_No_DSM4RMC40SSOK1 ,
DSM4RM_Eye bolt for Gland CS_Part_No_DSM4RMCS300
in Korba - Chhattisgarh has been published.
The last date of this tender is 07/03/2025, work value is
3451583 INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.