Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN STATION BUILDING Sweeping of Reservation Complex PRS; DHN STATION BUILDING Sweeping of Reservation Complex PRS; DHN STATION BUILDING Sweeping of Reservation Complex PRS , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN STATION BUILDING Swabbing of Reservation Complex PRS and South side bldg concourse Portico UTS Lobby CBS Stair IRCTC Sahyog Ladies waiting hall Gents waiting hall UTS Bathroom Inc.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN STATION BUILDING Washing of Reservation Complex PRS 2nd Class Booking Hall Enquiry Area Retiring Room DormitorySM Chamber SM ChamberWC Officer Rest House TTE Rest Room GR FLOOR V.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN STATION BUILDING Scrubbing and Drying of Reservation Complex PRS 2nd Class Booking Hall Enquiry Area Retiring Room Dormitory SM Chamber SM ChamberWC Officer Rest House TTE Rest Ro.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN STATION BUILDING Sweeping of 2nd Class Booking Hall Enquiry Area Retiring Room Dormitory SM Chamber SM ChamberWC Officer Rest House TTE Rest Room GR FLOOR VERANDAH IST FLOOR OFFICE.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN STATION BUILDING Swabbing of 2nd Class Booking Hall Enquiry Area Retiring Room Dormitory SM Chamber SM ChamberWC Officer Rest House TTE Rest Room GR FLOOR VERANDAH IST FLOOR OFFICE.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN STATION BUILDING Sweeping of RRI Building RRI BuildingSourrounding Area RPF Armory Dog Squad CT Office RPF CT Office RPFRear Pay OfficeParcel Office Parcel Office Sorrounding area .. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN STATION BUILDING Swabbing of RRI Building RRI BuildingSourrounding Area RPF Armory Dog Squad CT Office RPFCT Office RPFRear Pay OfficeParcel Office Parcel Office Sorrounding area G.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN PLATFORM Sweeping and Garbage removal of Platform No 01 Platform No 0203 Platform No 0405 Platform No 0607 and Platform No 08; DHN PLATFORM Sweeping and Garbage removal of Platfo.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN PLATFORM Swabbing of Platform No 01 Platform No 0203 Platform No 0405 Platform No 0607 and Platform No 08; DHN PLATFORM Swabbing of Platform No 01 Platform No 0203 Platform No .. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN PLATFORM Washing of Platform No 01 Platform No 0203 Platform No 0405 Platform No 0607 and Platform No 08; DHN PLATFORM Washing of Platform No 01 Platform No 0203 Platform No 04.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN PLATFORM Scrubbing and Drying by Ride on of Platform No 01 Platform No 0203 Platform No 0405 Platform No 0607 and Platform No 08; DHN PLATFORM Scrubbing and Drying by Ride on of .. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN PLATFORM Scrubbing and Washing of Platform No 01 Platform No 0203 Platform No 0405 Platform No 0607 and Platform No 08; DHN PLATFORM Scrubbing and Washing of Platform No 01 Plat.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN CIRCULATING AREA Sweeping and Garbage removal of North Side Road Surrounding area; DHN CIRCULATING AREA Sweeping and Garbage removal of North Side Road Surrounding area; DHN CIR.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN CIRCULATING AREA Sweeping and Garbage removal of VIP Road Upto the Workshop VIP Entrance; DHN CIRCULATING AREA Sweeping and Garbage removal of VIP Road Upto the Workshop VIP Entr.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN CIRCULATING AREA Sweeping and Garbage removal of South Side Road Surrounding Area Ground Open Area Upto Sulabh sochalay; DHN CIRCULATING AREA Sweeping and Garbage removal of South .. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN FOB Sweeping of Stair Step Public Bridge VIP Bridge Main Bridge 1st Class Enquiry Area; DHN FOB Sweeping of Stair Step Public Bridge VIP Bridge Main Bridge 1st Class Enquiry Area; .. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN FOB Swabbing of Stair Step Public Bridge VIP Bridge Main Bridge 1st Class Enquiry Area; DHN FOB Swabbing of Stair Step Public Bridge VIP Bridge Main Bridge 1st Class Enquiry Area; .. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN FOB Sweeping and Swabbing of Railway Magistrate Office TFR Office RRI GRP; DHN FOB Sweeping and Swabbing of Railway Magistrate Office TFR Office RRI GRP; DHN FOB Sweeping and Swab.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN DRAIN Cleaning Desiliting of Drains near Petrol pump corner to safety camp wall VIP lane to kennel side VIP lane VIP lane to RPF malgodown CT building side 2nd class waiting hal.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN DRAIN Cleaning Desiliting of drains near Public FOB to main drain Main drain South side Dog Kennel Barmasia side Drain From Wall sise 27022A to drain end 27008 Barmasia side track.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN Ballast TRACK Cleaning and Rag picking of TrackA1 Track01 03 05 06 07 Track VIP Siding Track DN main Line Track Up Loop 1 and 2 Track Medical Van Engine Line Rest of PF track towa.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping and Rag picking of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping and Rag picking of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN Washing Apron TRACK Washing of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Washing of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Washing of Track01 Track02 Track04 , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN TRACK Rag picking of Starter To Home Signal Howarh End Delhi End and Katrash End; DHN TRACK Rag picking of Starter To Home Signal Howarh End Delhi End and Katrash End; DHN TRACK.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN 1st class AC waiting hall Cleaning and Swabbing of 1st Class Wating Hall Gents WC and LasiesWC AC Waiting Hall Gents WC and Ladies WC Ladies Waiting Hall Ladies Waiting HallFeed.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN 1st class AC waiting hall Washing of 1st Class Wating Hall Gents WC and LasiesWC AC Waiting Hall Gents WC and Ladies WC Ladies Waiting Hall Ladies Waiting HallFeeding Room Ladies.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office Officers chamber Rooms and all officesSweeping Garbage collection; DRM office Officers chamber Rooms and all officesSweeping Garbage collection; DRM office Officers chamber .. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office Officers chamber Rooms and all officesSwabbing; DRM office Officers chamber Rooms and all officesSwabbing; DRM office Officers chamber Rooms and all officesSwabbing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office Officers chamber Rooms and all officesScrubbing; DRM office Officers chamber Rooms and all officesScrubbing; DRM office Officers chamber Rooms and all officesScrubbing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building Corridor Sweeping and Garbage collection; DRM Office Building Corridor Sweeping and Garbage collection; DRM Office Building Corridor Sweeping and Garbage collection , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building CorridorSwabbing; DRM Office Building CorridorSwabbing; DRM Office Building CorridorSwabbing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building Corridor Scrubbing; DRM Office Building Corridor Scrubbing; DRM Office Building Corridor Scrubbing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building Corridor Washing; DRM Office Building Corridor Washing; DRM Office Building Corridor Washing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Divisional Control and TPC Exchange Sweeping and Garbage collection; DRM Office Divisional Control and TPC Exchange Sweeping and Garbage collection; DRM Office Divisional Co.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office Divisional Control and TPC Exchange Swabbing; DRM office Divisional Control and TPC Exchange Swabbing; DRM office Divisional Control and TPC Exchange Swabbing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office Divisional Control and TPC Exchange Scrubbing; DRM office Divisional Control and TPC Exchange Scrubbing; DRM office Divisional Control and TPC Exchange Scrubbing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building Stairs Sweeping and Garbage collection; DRM Office Building Stairs Sweeping and Garbage collection; DRM Office Building Stairs Sweeping and Garbage collection , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building Stairs Swabbing; DRM Office Building Stairs Swabbing; DRM Office Building Stairs Swabbing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building Stairs Scrubbing; DRM Office Building Stairs Scrubbing; DRM Office Building Stairs Scrubbing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building Stairs washing; DRM Office Building Stairs washing; DRM Office Building Stairs washing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building officers chamber Toilet Mechanised cleaning and washing; DRM Office Building officers chamber Toilet Mechanised cleaning and washing; DRM Office Building officers cha.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building officers chamber Toilet Swabbing; DRM Office Building officers chamber Toilet Swabbing; DRM Office Building officers chamber Toilet Swabbing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building General and officers Toilet Mechanised cleaning and washing; DRM Office Building General and officers Toilet Mechanised cleaning and washing; DRM Office Building Gene.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building General and officers Toilet Swabbing; DRM Office Building General and officers Toilet Swabbing; DRM Office Building General and officers Toilet Swabbing , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office ROAD CIRCULATING AREA EXCEPT GARDENSweeping and Garbage collection; DRM office ROAD CIRCULATING AREA EXCEPT GARDENSweeping and Garbage collection; DRM office ROAD CIRCULATI.. , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building DRAIN Cleaning and Desilting; DRM Office Building DRAIN Cleaning and Desilting; DRM Office Building DRAIN Cleaning and Desilting , Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Cleaning of Cobweb of all offices and officers chamber; Cleaning of Cobweb of all offices and officers chamber; Cleaning of Cobweb of all Con offices and officers chamber in Dhanbad - Jharkhand has been published. The last date of this tender is 20/03/2025, work value is 136906452 INR, EMD is 834540 INR and tender document fees is 0 (Refer Doc) INR For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.
Tender Document