Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the State Government Of Chandigarh for
Supply of Multipara Monitors , Transport Monitor Module with fully
touch screen five point five inches or more , Central
Monitoring for sixteen Patient Monitors Viewer complete set
, Network Printer , Wired networking with patient monitors ,
ECG five by six lead set cable , ECG extension trunk cord ,
Reusable SpOtwo probes for Pediatrics , Reusable SpOtwo
probes for adult , Reusable SpOtwo probes for Neonatal ,
SpOtwo connection cord , NiBP air hose Adult , NiBP Air hose
for Neonatal , Disposable NiBP cuff of different size Neonatal
Infant Child Adult Large Adult six each , Reusable NIBP cuff
Pead size two Nos of different sizes Neonatal Infant Child
with each monitor , Reusable NIBP cuff Adult reusable cuff
four Nos of different sizes adult and Large adult with each
monitor , Temperatures probes Esophageal , Temperatures
probes Skin , EtCOtwo Mainstream or micro stream Sensor
four Modules only with complete set , Sampling line or
disposable airway adapter for intubated patients with four
monitors , Sampling line or disposable airway adapter for
non intibated patient with four monitors , Reusable IBP
Cable , Disposable IBP transducer , Rechargeable Battery
pack , Wall mount
in Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh has been published.
The last date of this tender is 22/03/2025, work value is
3200000 INR,
EMD is 64000 INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.