Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply of Five pin socket 5 oblic 6 Amp comma Make
Havells oblic Anchor oblic Bajaj at GE EP Jodhpur , Switch
socket comb 5 Amp and 15 oblic 16 Amp comma Make
Havells oblic Anchor oblic Bajaj , Insulation tape 20 Mtr wide
PVC Make Steelgrip , Ceiling fan capacitor 2 pont 5mfd ,
SPN 20 Amp Make Havells oblic Anchor oblic Bajaj oblic
crompton , Three plug top 5Amp oblic 6Amp Make Anchor ,
Three plug top 15Amp oblic 16Amp Make Anchor , Tube
light LED 20wt oblic 22wt Fitting Make Havells oblic
Crompton oblic Polycab oblic Bajaj , MCB 6 Amp SP Make
Havells oblic Anchor oblic Bajaj oblic crompton , MCB 16
AMP SP Make Havells oblic Polycab oblic Bajaj , MCB 10 Amp
SP Make Havells oblic Anchor oblic Bajaj oblic crompton ,
Cable PVC copper Single core size 1 point 5 sqmm Make
Havells oblic Finolex oblic Polycab oblic Bajaj , Cable PVC
copper Single core size 1 point 0 sqmm Make Havells oblic
Finolex oblic Polycab oblic Bajaj , Cable PVC copper Single
core size 2 point 5 sqmm Make Havells oblic Finolex oblic
Polycab oblic Bajaj , Cable PVC copper 2 core size 2 point 5
sqmm Make Havells oblic Finolex oblic Polycab oblic Bajaj ,
Cooling pad for desert Cooler Big as per smple , Cooling pad
for desert Cooler Med as per smple , MS wire mesh suitable
for med and big desert cooler as per smple , Desert cooler
fan motor capecity 250 watt Make Havells oblic Anchor oblic
Bajaj oblic crompton , Desert cooler medium size gauge 20
hypan 22 With Remote Control as per smple , Sub pump for
desert cooler Big 40 watt comma 3900 L oblic H , Sub pump
for desert cooler Med
in Jodhpur - Rajasthan has been published.
The last date of this tender is 20/03/2025, work value is
0 (Refer Doc) INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.