Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Corporations And Associations And Others Of Rajasthan for
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Healthcare; Nursing Orderly; As per tender document ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Others; Cook; As per tender document , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare; Jr.
Radiographer; As per tender document , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare;
Junior Medical Technologist (LABORATORY TECHNICIAN
SERVICES); As per tender document , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare;
ECG Tech; As per tender document , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare; Staff Nurses; As
per tender document , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare; Medical Social Worker; As
per tender document , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare; Dental Mechanic; As per
tender document , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Healthcare; Refractionist; As per tender
document , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Healthcare; Hospital Manager; As per tender
document , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Healthcare; Blood Bank Technician; As per
tender document , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Healthcare; Plaster Assistant; As per tender
document , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Healthcare; Physiotherapist; As per tender
document , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Healthcare; Occupational Therapist; As per
tender document , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Healthcare; Respiratory Lab Assistant; As
per tender document , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare; Pharmacist; As per tender
document , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Healthcare; Medical Record Technician; As
per tender document , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare; Library Assistant; As per
tender document , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Healthcare; Support Staff Audio visual
Technician; As per tender document , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare;
Support Staff Dissection Hall Attendant; As per tender
document , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Healthcare; Support Staff Dark room Asst;
As per tender document , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare; Support Staff
Photographer; As per tender document
in Jaipur - Rajasthan has been published.
The last date of this tender is 27/03/2025, work value is
132525472 INR,
EMD is 2650510 INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.