Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply Of Indole 3 Butyric Acid Iba Pct0804 100g 100 Gm , Disposable Masks La228 1 X 100no 1 X 100 Nos. , Non Absorbent Cotton Wool La1017 1no 1 No. , Sodium Hypochlorite 4 Percent W V Solution Pct1311 5 X 100ml 100 Ml , Sodium Hydro X Ide Pellets Mb095 500g 500 Gm , Sterapid Spray Bottle Co08 1 X 5no 500 Ml , Germitol Co008 1 X 5no 500 Ml , Sterile Scalpel Blade No 10 La768 1 X 100nos 1 X 100 Nos. , Stainless Steel Forceps Pointed 6 Inch La709 2 No. , Stainless Steel Forceps Pointed 6 Inch La822 2 No. , Polyethylene Glycol 6000 Ptc Pct1306 500g 500 Gm , Non Absorbent Cotton Wool La1017 5no 5 No. , Autoclavable Petriplates Pw008 1 X 100no 1 X 100 No. , Test Tube With Screw Cap Autoclavable Polypropylene Pw290 1 X 100no 1 X 100 No. , Syringe Driven Filters 0.22 Sf174 100no 1 No. , Sodium Hypochlorite Pct1311 5 X 100ml 5 X 100 Ml , Formaldehyde As017 5l 5 Liter , Cyclohe X Imide Cms5583 5g 5 Gm , Streptomycin Sulphate Tc035 25g 25 Gm , Scalpel Blade No 10 La768 1 X 100no 100 No. , Gloves La886 10 X 50no 10 X 50 No. , Screw Cap Tubes Pw129 5 X 50no 5 X 50 No. , Cryogenic Bo X Pw1215 1 X 5no 1 X 5 No. , Freezing Bo X Carbord Cg 1 X 10no 1 X 10 No. , Bluple Nitrile E X Amination Gloves Medium Size La886 10 X 100no 10 X 100 No. , Freezing Bo X Es Cardboard Dim 13.4 X 13.4 X 4.7cm 64 Place Freezing Bo X 2 Cg289 1 X 10no 1 X 10 No. , Hicap B38 Blue Coloured 38 Mm Od Pw032 500no 1 No. , Triclogel In 5 Lit Can Pack Co155 1no 1 No. , Centrifuge Tubes Vol 2ml Cg279 1 X 1
in Solapur - Maharashtra has been published.
The last date of this tender is 04/04/2025, work value is
0 (Refer Doc) INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.