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1 Maintenance of Residential Flats and Staff Quarters at Commonwealth Games Village. SH Protection measures for wood work in remaining 42 flats under ownership of DDA for handing over possession (Specialized work).
2 Maintenance of Residential Flats and Staff Quarters at Commonwealth Games Village.
TRN : 858243 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 7.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi Development Authority
Tender award for maintenance of residential flats and staff quarters at commonwealth games village.
3 Maintenance of Residential Flats and Staff Quarters at Commonwealth Games Village. SH Repair of kitchen counter and moderate kitchen in remaining Staff Quarters at CWG Village.
4 Maintenance of Commonwealth Games Village Site. SH Providing and laying of bituminious concrete including repair of footpath etc. on Bund Road.
5 Maintenance of Residential Flats of Commonwealth Games Village. SH Providing and fixing wall cabinet in Kitchen of Staff Quarters and Cup Board in Guest House.
6 Maintenance of Residential Flats of Commonwealth Games Village. SH Mechanized mopping and cleaning of remaining 140 flats of CWG Village. (Specialized work).
7 M/o various colonies under Nazul A/c-II, Dwarka Zone.
TRN : 664913 |  Dwarkaa - Gujarat
Contract Value : 47.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi Development Authority
Tender award for m/o various colonies under nazul a/c-ii, dwarka zone.
8 M/o various colonies under Nazul A/c-II, Dwarka Zone.
TRN : 664915 |  Dwarkaa - Gujarat
Contract Value : 4.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi Development Authority
Tender award for m/o various colonies under nazul a/c-ii, dwarka zone.
9 M/o various colonies under Nazul A/c-II, Dwarka Zone.
TRN : 664916 |  Dwarkaa - Gujarat
Contract Value : 19.01 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi Development Authority
Tender award for m/o various colonies under nazul a/c-ii, dwarka zone.
10 M/O various colonies under South Zone.SUB HEAD -Construction of 4 nos pre-fabricated under ground rain water harvesting structure at Community Hall Tehkhand, Lajpat Nagar, Office complex of SED-8 and SD-2 at Pocket A-14 Kalkaji extension, New Delhi

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