2Widening and Improvements Reconstruction of Culverts, Construction of Retaining wall and including Construction of Center Median on Government Roads in Vellore (Highways), C&M, Sub Division. TVM-96.
A.Widening from Single Lane to Intermediate Lane and Improvements at Km 0/0-6/0 of Pallikuppam Road including Reconstruction of Box Culvert at Km 0/2 and Construction of Retaining wall
B.Widening from Two Lane to Four Lane and Improvements at Km 0/0-0/495 of Abdullapuram - Asanampattu - Alangayam - Thirupathur Road including Construction of Centre Median (SH-122)"
Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
7.02 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
4Widening and Improvements, Construction of Retaining walls on Government Roads in Sankarapuram (Highways), C&M, Sub Division. TVM- 88.
A. Widening from Intermediate Lane to Two Lane and Improvements at km 48/2-52/0 of Vellimalai Moolakadu Pudhur road including Construction of Retaining wall at Km 48/4
B. Widening from Intermediate Lane to Two Lane and Improvements at km 52/0 - 53/650 of Vellimalai Moolakadu Pudhur road including Construction of Retaining wall at Km 53/2 & 53/4 and Construction of RCC Retaining wall at Km 53/5-53/650"
Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
8.80 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
5Widening with Paved Shoulder, Improvements Construction of Retaining wall Reconstruction of Culverts, Widening of Culverts and including Construction Drain on Government Roads in Walajah (Highways), C&M, Sub Division. TVM-104
A) Widening two lane to two lane with paved shoulder and Improvements of Sholinghur - Kaveripakkam Road (SH128) at Km 3/0-4/6 including Construction of Retaining Wall at Km 3/0-3/2, Widening of Culverts at Km 4/4 & 4/6 and Construction of Drain at Km 4/0-4/4
B) Widening two lane to two lane with paved shoulder and Improvements of Sholinghur - Kaveripakkam Road (SH-128) at Km 4/6-6/4 including Reconstruction of Culverts at Km 4/8, 5/2 & 5/6"
Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.41 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
6Widening and Improvements, Improvements, Reconstruction of Culverts, Construction of Retaining wall and including Widening of Culverts on Government Roads in Vellore (Highways), C&M, Sub Division. TVM-99.
A.Widening from Single Lane to Intermediate Lane and Improvements at Km 0/0-2/4 of Palla Edayampatti - Naickaneri Road including Construction of Retaining wall at Km 0/10 & 1/10 and Widening of Culverts at Km 0/2, 0/4 & 0/6
B.Widening from Single Lane to Intermediate Lane and Improvements at Km 2/4-5/0 of Palla Edayampatti - Naickaneri Road including Improvements at Km 5/0-5/4 and reconstruction of Culverts at Km 3/8 & 5/2"
Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.89 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
7Widening with Paved Shoulders, Straightening the curve, Widening the Box Culverts on Government Roads in Sankarapuram (Highways), C&M, Sub Division. TVM- 91
A.Widening from Two Lane to Two Lane with Paved Shoulders at km 0/0-4/4 including Straightening the curve and widening the box culvert km 0/2 & 0/4 of Thiyagadurgam - Adari Road.
B. Widening from Two Lane to Two Lane with Paved Shoulders at Km.11/4-15/0 of Thiyagadurgam - Adari Road"
Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
7.03 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
8Widening and Improvements, Construction of Retaining walls, Reconstruction of Culverts, Widening of Culverts and including Construction Drain on Government Roads in Arakonam (Highways), C&M, Sub Division. TVM-107.
Road A: Widening from Intermediate Lane to Two Lane and Improvements at km 12/0 - 15/0 of Banavaram Sendhamangalam Ganapathipuram Road including Reconstruction of box culvert at km 12/2, 12/6, 12/8 and Construction of Retaining Wall 13/8 and Widening of Culvert at Km 14/2,4,6
Road B: Widening from Intermediate Lane to Two Lane and Improvements at km 15/0 - 18/0 of Banavaram Sendhamangalam Ganapathipuram Road including Reconstruction of box culvert at km 15/6, 16/2 and Construction of Drain Km 15/6,16/2 and widening of culvert at Km 15/2"
Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.79 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
9Widening with Paved Shoulders and Strengthening on Government Roads in Thirukoilur (Highways), C&M, Sub Division. TVM-94.
A. Widening from Two Lane to Two Lane with Paved Shoulders and Strengthening at km 2/3 - 4/9 of Thirukoilur - Asanur road.
B. Strengthening at km 0/0 - 4/395 of Tirukoilur bypass road
Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
8.43 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
10Widening and Improvements, Construction of Retaining walls, Reconstruction of Culverts, Widening of Culverts and including Construction Drain on Government Roads in Arakonam (Highways), C&M, Sub Division. TVM-108
Road A: Widening from Intermediate Lane to Two Lane and Improvements at km 7/6 - 8/0, 9/4 - 10/6, 14/100 - 15/600, 16/2-16/8, 17/2 - 17/4, 19/0- 20/2, 20/8 - 21/5 of Kilveethi Minnal Ameerpet Road including Reconstruction of culvert at km 7/8, 10/6, 19/10 and 21/4
Road B: Widening from Single Lane to Intermediate Lane and Improvements at km 0/0 - 3/4 of Km 13/8 of Banavaram Sendamangalam Road to Manamadurai Road including Widening culvert at km 0/6 and Reconstruction of culvert at km 0/4(i)(ii), 1/6,8, 1/10, 3/4 and Construction of retaining wall at km 1/4-1/8 and Construction of Drain at km 3/4"
Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
9.19 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department