You have searched for punjab-municipal-infrastructure-development-company in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 RFP for WhatsApp Business Solution for eGovernance Project was completed and all the bidders were found to be eligible for opening of the Financial Bid
TRN : 707827 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : NA | Agency Name : Punjab Municipal Infrastructure Development Company
Tender award for rfp for whatsapp business solution for egovernance project was completed and all the bidders were found to be eligible for opening of the financial bid
2 RFP for Formulation of GIS-Based Master Plan of Moga City
TRN : 589849 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 37.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Municipal Infrastructure Development Company
Tender award for rfp for formulation of gis-based master plan of moga city

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