You have searched for punjab-small-industries-and-export-corporation-limited in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Construction of balance work of retaining wall and boundary wall alongwith Beant Singh Park Jalandhar Old
TRN : 784521 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 66.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Small Industries And Export Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of balance work of retaining wall and boundary wall alongwith beant singh park jalandhar old
2 Development of Commercial Pocket at Patiala
TRN : 823250 |  Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.43 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Small Industries And Export Corporation Limited
Tender award for development of commercial pocket at patiala
3 Development of Additional Plots (Plots no. F551 to F564 and E333A) at IFP, Phase VIIIB Mohali
TRN : 823251 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 89.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Small Industries And Export Corporation Limited
Tender award for development of additional plots (plots no. f551 to f564 and e333a) at ifp, phase viiib mohali
4 Construction of High Level RCC Bridge single span 16.50 mtr over Budha Nallah on the way of Approac road to Hi Tech Cycle valley Dhanansu
TRN : 807582 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.32 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Small Industries And Export Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of high level rcc bridge single span 16.50 mtr over budha nallah on the way of approac road to hi tech cycle valley dhanansu
5 Development of Plot No B66 PhaseVIII IFP Ludhiana
TRN : 807584 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 34.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Small Industries And Export Corporation Limited
Tender award for development of plot no b66 phaseviii ifp ludhiana
6 Upgradation of IFP, Kotkapura - Cement concrete road
TRN : 745402 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.77 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Small Industries And Export Corporation Limited
Tender award for upgradation of ifp, kotkapura - cement concrete road
7 Earth filling and construction of boundary wall around plot no C 8 and C 9 at IGC Pathankot
TRN : 737799 |  Pathankot - Punjab
Contract Value : 25.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Small Industries And Export Corporation Limited
Tender award for earth filling and construction of boundary wall around plot no c 8 and c 9 at igc pathankot
8 Construction of left out works from Balance work and additional works of Academic Block of NIIFT building at Jalandhar
TRN : 737800 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 56.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Small Industries And Export Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of left out works from balance work and additional works of academic block of niift building at jalandhar
9 Upgradation of computer networking system in the office of Udyog Bhawn Sector 17
TRN : 725734 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 12.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Small Industries And Export Corporation Limited
Tender award for upgradation of computer networking system in the office of udyog bhawn sector 17
10 Construction of Boundary wall, earth filling and site development of STP and water works area at IFP, Chanalon
TRN : 722661 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 94.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Small Industries And Export Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of boundary wall, earth filling and site development of stp and water works area at ifp, chanalon

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