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1 Erection dismantling transportation of poles and improvement works under AEEO and M Town Karaikudii Sub-Division of Karaikudi Division
TRN : 526145 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Power Transmmission Corporation Ltd
Tender award for erection dismantling transportation of poles and improvement works under aeeo and m town karaikudii sub-division of karaikudi division
2 Erection of three numbers 11KV HT Ring fencing arrangements for various locations under West Thiruppuvanam section
TRN : 526146 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 69.7 Thousand | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Power Transmmission Corporation Ltd
Tender award for erection of three numbers 11kv ht ring fencing arrangements for various locations under west thiruppuvanam section
3 Erection of 5 numbers 63KVA 11KV Distribution Transformer Structure arrangement in various locations under AE O and M Town Ilayangudi section
TRN : 526147 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.40 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Power Transmmission Corporation Ltd
Tender award for erection of 5 numbers 63kva 11kv distribution transformer structure arrangement in various locations under ae o and m town ilayangudi section
4 Supply of differential Relay with REF
TRN : 526149 |  Vellore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.40 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Power Transmmission Corporation Ltd
Tender award for supply of differential relay with ref
5 supply of Stay Clamp for 8.0 mtr PSC Pole and Stay clamp for 9.0 mtr PSC Pole
TRN : 526150 |  Vellore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 5.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Power Transmmission Corporation Ltd
Tender award for supply of stay clamp for 8.0 mtr psc pole and stay clamp for 9.0 mtr psc pole
6 Supply of Back Clamp for 8.0 mtr PSC Pole and Back Clamp for 9.0 mtr PSC Pole
TRN : 526151 |  Vellore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 4.29 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Power Transmmission Corporation Ltd
Tender award for supply of back clamp for 8.0 mtr psc pole and back clamp for 9.0 mtr psc pole
7 supply of 11KV HT Tapping Channel Cross Arm under UDAY Scheme
TRN : 526152 |  Vellore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 7.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Power Transmmission Corporation Ltd
Tender award for supply of 11kv ht tapping channel cross arm under uday scheme
8 Erection of 80 numbers new HT poles at various locations under AE O and M Town Thiruppathur section
TRN : 525580 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Power Transmmission Corporation Ltd
Tender award for erection of 80 numbers new ht poles at various locations under ae o and m town thiruppathur section
9 Execution of works under IPDS in Thiruppathur Division Erection of 11120 m new HT line erection works at various locations under AE O M Singampunary section
10 Execution of works under IPDS in Thiruppathur Division Erection of 80 numbers new HT poles erection works at various locations under AE O M Singampunar section

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