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7141 Maintenance & repair to the RCC bridge at ch. 314 over Cut Kunti Channel at Balitipa within block Singur Dist. Hooghly under Lower Damodar Irrigation Division.
7142 Cooker Oil Blow Lamp Burner
TRN : 630537 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 23.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for cooker oil blow lamp burner
7143 Bank protection work along the left bank of river Kaljani for a length of 1000 meter at Daskhin Latabari mouza under Latabari G.P. in Block & P.S. Kalchini Dist. Alipurduar under RIDF-XXIV.
7144 supply of item D1/3770-000384 Girth PA Long
TRN : 630545 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 3.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for supply of item d1/3770-000384 girth pa long
7145 Maintenance and Repair to Mathurkur bridge over river Ghea at Mathukur within Block Polba-Dadpur, Dist.: Hooghly under Lower Damodar Irrigation Division
7146 supply of item D1/3770-000261 Collar Head PA
TRN : 630547 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 7.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for supply of item d1/3770-000261 collar head pa
7147 Bank protection work for a length of 960M at Chepani Chorai Mahal in Mauza Chepani on the L/B and at Biswesswar para in Mauza Pachim Chepani on the R/B of river Dharshi in G.P. Mahakalguri P.S. Samuktala, Block Alipurduar-II, Dist. Alipurduar under RIDF-XXIV.
7148 Construction of Inspection Path from ch.101.00 to ch.116.00 alongwith construction of Guard wall from ch.101.00 to ch.102.31 of Dy. No.N/5 under Singur (I) Sub-Division of Lower Irrigation Division.
7149 Bank protection work at Batabari along the left bank of river Raidak-II for a length of 550.00M at Mouza Barobisha under Volka Barobisha-I G.P. in P.S. and Block Kumargram, Dist. Alipurduar under RIDF-XXIV.
7150 Construction of Inspection Path from ch.101.00 to ch.116.00 alongwith construction of Guard wall from ch.101.00 to ch.102.31 of Dy. No.N/5 under Singur (I) Sub-Division of Lower Irrigation Division.

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