4638WBSO ENGG CAPEX Rate Contracts for Carrying out Capital OR Revenue works up to Rs. 30.00 Lacs at Retail Outlets Including KSKs and B Site ROs, Consumer Outlets, Depots, Terminals, Lube, LPG Plants, AFSs, CSR, Buildings etc. for all DOs of WBSO.
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
179.44 Crore |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
4640Providing housekeeping, catering and support services at Pipelines Construction Office, PSHPL Competent Authority offices, PHDPL-Aug Construction Office and PSHPL Somnathpur Depot Construction office at Balasore
Balasore - Orissa
Contract Value :
14.65 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited