2012Providing and Laying UGD line Siddeshwar Nagar, Dhammadip Nagar, Mayur Colony, Canal Road, Tirupati Nagar, etc. area in P.No. 17 in Nashik Road Div.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
58.98 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
2015Name of Work : Providing and laying underground RCC drainage pipelines at Gorewadi, Shastrinagar, Jadhav Vasti to Chadegaon near Samangaon Road in Prabhag no.19, Nashik Road Division.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
74.32 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
2018Providing & Laying underground RCC pipe line at Khole Mala, Near Bharat Petrol Pump, Jai Bhavani Road
Fernandes Wadi, Near Bytco Hospital in P.No. 21 at Nashik Road Div.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
49.92 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
2019Providing and Laying RCC Underground drainage pipe line at front side of Maruti Vafers Sr.No.388 and from Shankar Ngr Chowk to Jaishankar Garden, Tapovan Road in P.No. 15 Nashik East Div.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
49.96 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
2020Providing Lowering and Laying Main & branch sewer line @ Dhatrak Phata,Ganraj hights,Kalpesh Nagar, Mane Nagar, Sr.N.236/1 Mane Nagar back side Akshta Lawns frount side, Ayodhya nagari, Sai nagar, Chetan Nagar, Gopal Nagar, Hariom Nagar, Kalika Nagar, Gajanan Col., Kamal Nagar, & other various places in P.No. 03 in Panchavati Div.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
15.00 Crore |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation