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8901Performance based financial incentive scheme for 2018-2019 (during the year 2019-20) for periodic Maintenance etc. of PMGSY Rural Road to Village Ree km. 0/0 to 2/510.
Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
8.88 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
8902Performance based financial incentive scheme for 2018-19 (during the year 2019-20) for periodic Maintenance etc. of PMGSY Rural road from NH-21 Kallar to village Kacholi Km. 0/0 to 5/0.
Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
7.34 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
8905Construction of link road Khad Samethan Neem Wala Baba Mandir to Harijan Basti Chokata Km. 0/0 to 3/0 (SH- Formation cutting, Retaining wall in Km. 0/0 to 1/0 and 3.00 meter span R.C.C. slab culvert at RD 0/160)
Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
15.34 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
8906Repair and Maintenance on Thatch Sakroha Neri Jukhala road Km. 0/0 to 18/690 (SH- repair of pot holes and re-surfacing of damaged reaches in Km. 6/0 to 11/500)
Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
6.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
8907Construction of link road village Nilawas to Dhalet Km. 0/0 to 1/0 (SH- Formation cutting, C/o 900mm dia hume pipe culvert at RD 0/275, 0/455, 0/655, 0/905 and 6.00 meter span R.C.C. slab culvert at RD 0/800).
Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
20.65 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
8908Annual Maintenance plan for the year 2018-19 for State Rural roads (under PMGSY) (Additionality) (SH- Providing and laying, 25mm thick bituminous concrete on link road to Swahan to Dolra Km. 0/0 to 1/110) (DRRP No. HP0101VR 197)
Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
7.76 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department