You have searched for village-panchayat in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
9741Purchasing material for the development works through the Gram Panchayat Office Belgaon during this financial year 2019-2020 At Belgaon Tal. Malegaon Dist-Nashik.
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
896 |Agency Name :
Village Panchayat
9749Providing and Erecting LED Street Light and Mini Hi-Mast Solar Fittings at, DUDHGAON (Rohidas Nagar) Tq.JINTUR, Dist.Parbhani (Under Dalit Vasti Sudhar Yojna, 2018-19)
Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
5.35 Lacs |Agency Name :
Village Panchayat