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2621 Annual maintenance of Master Sewerage & Disposal, U/E, Sonipat. Cleaning of 36" dia main sewerage line with power bucket type machine along master road between Sector -14/15, U/E, Sonipat complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto".
2622 Construction of Light Vehicle Road along the North Side of Coal Transportation road from NHS 1 More to MIC under Jhanjra Area, ECL
2623 Annual Maintenance of Water Supply, Sewerage, C/Centre building in Sector-15, U/E, Sonipat. (Providing 17 Nos. Beldars/Sewerman for smooth running of W/S, Sew., lines and watch & ward of Community Centre uilding along with various type of machineries installed at TW's, etc. excluding excluding cost of T & P except material and all other works ontingent thereto ( From 01.08.2017 to 30.09.2017)
2624 Annual Maintenance of Water Supply, Sewerage, in Sector-14, U/E, Sonipat. Providing 17 Nos. Beldars / Sewerman for smooth running of W/S, Sew., lines and watch & ward of along with various type of machineries installed at TW's, OHSR etc. excluding cost of T&P except material and all other works contingent thereto. ( From 01.08.2017 to 30.09.2017)
2625 Revamping of ILSD system to PLC based with 2 Remote DV control stations, 2 MIMIC panels along with 2 SCADA, joining of 5 new MCPs and existing MCPs to the PLC based module, display of ROV open/close status and remote control of ROV from control stations in the new proposed PLC module at Jamshedpur BP.
2626 Installation, Erection, Testing and Commissioning, along-with supply of required instruments, hardware and software etc for Online Continuous Stack Emission monitoring system (CSEMS) and Online Continuous Effluent Quality Monitoring System (EQMS) and to connect & upload various parameters of Stack emission & Effluent Monitoring at UPPCB/CPCB & UPRVUNL Servers on turn-key basis
2627 Providing laying and commissioning of RCC NP3 pipe gravity sewer along with construction of manholes for Balance sewerage network under sewerage zone for PS1, PS2, PS6, PS7, and PS8 in Naupada, Uthalsar Wagale Estate, Rayladevi Ward Committee area
2628 Beautification of landscape garden,Rock Garden with irrigation poppus system at ramling temple area of along children play area
2629 Project for Setting up a Butterfly Garden on about 2 acre of area at Late. Pramod Mahajan Nature Park near Mulla baug, Manpada, Thane along with 3 years maintenance.
2630 Fixing of Railing over footpath from Highway Shiring Building to Mental Hospital Gate along Mental Hospital Road in ward no.37.

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