4615Overhauling of TG auxiliaries including cleaning of coolers, tanks strainers, servicing of pumps replacement of various valves and associated works of unit no.1and 2, 2X600MW at SSTPP, MPPGCL
Khandwa - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
47.19 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited
4616Washing and greasing of all Dozers ,HS Diesel filling in all dozers and field equipments(BE-100 etc) undercarriage cleaning of all Dozers and collection ,deposition of the damaged/un used/failed materials and lubricants from Dozer section to R/S,JRD
Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
5.83 Lacs |Agency Name :
Northern Coalfields Limited
4617Annual Work Contract for 02 Nos computer typist for day to day work like preparing MRC, updating store record, oil records, requisition, making database, data compilation etc. At OM, storeI workshop garage, SEServicesII SSTPP, MPPGCL,
Khandwa - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
3.19 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited