11818Improvement such as widening and strengthening to Balipada-Rupra road (ODR) from 0/000 Km to 8/000 Km ( except Bridge over Matul Nallah and approaches for 1.500 Km) in the district of Kalahandi under State Plan
Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value :
3.69 Crore |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
11819Improvement such as widening and strengthening to Tarbod-Bhela road from 0/0 to 5/600 Km ( except from 0/525 Km to 0/800 Km) in the district of Nuapada under State Plan
Nuapada - Orissa
Contract Value :
3.52 Crore |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
11820Construction of pump house ESR OGR laying of pipe line with individual house connection and other ancillary works for PWS to village Pangaupper Sahi under Phiringia Block
Berhampur (Orissa) - Orissa
Contract Value :
73.48 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division