You have searched for uttar-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

17171 Remaining Vertical Tender Work Construction work of 4 beded hospital at Pratab Behad at Sitapur
TRN : 631955 |  Sitapur - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 8.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Nirman Evam Sharam Vikash Sahkari Sangh Limited
Tender award for remaining vertical tender work construction work of 4 beded hospital at pratab behad at sitapur
17172 Local Purchase of Hosp Comforts, Air Crew and Cadets Ration Items by Supply Depot ASC Agra
TRN : 650343 |  Agra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 79.2 Thousand | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for local purchase of hosp comforts, air crew and cadets ration items by supply depot asc agra
17173 Construction of Shed for Organic Waste Converter Unit at DGH Office
TRN : 644163 |  Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Directorate General Of Hydrocarbons
Tender award for construction of shed for organic waste converter unit at dgh office
17174 Running operation and maintenance of A.C. Fridge, Air cooler etc. in V.I.P. guest and rest house, project hospital, offices of EE O.C.C.M.D. I and II, town ship and O.I.C.
17175 Overhauling of CW pumps, electric and Diesel Fire pump, HP pump, R.W. pump, B.C.W. pump to be carried out during annual running breakdown maintenance of CW pump house of 5x200MW, BTPS Obra
17176 Routine Fuel Oil Pump House.
TRN : 632944 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 5.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Tender award for routine fuel oil pump house.
17177 Supply of Packaged Drinking Water Services at DGH Office, OIDB Bhawan, Sec-73, Noida for a period of two years.
TRN : 644165 |  Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 16.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Directorate General Of Hydrocarbons
Tender award for supply of packaged drinking water services at dgh office, oidb bhawan, sec-73, noida for a period of two years.
17178 Const of Road Under District Hardoi from Daniyapur to Mithanpur Narayanpurwa Link Road Lot No 1
TRN : 632946 |  Lucknow - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 81.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for const of road under district hardoi from daniyapur to mithanpur narayanpurwa link road lot no 1
17179 Printing of NIO and other documents for OALP ROUND-II and III DGH Office
TRN : 644167 |  Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Directorate General Of Hydrocarbons
Tender award for printing of nio and other documents for oalp round-ii and iii dgh office
17180 Const of Road under District Hardoi Vidhan Sabha Sandila From Bharawan Puraya Road to Tulsipur LOt No 7
TRN : 632947 |  Lucknow - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 41.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for const of road under district hardoi vidhan sabha sandila from bharawan puraya road to tulsipur lot no 7

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