23597Maintenance of boundary wall, pathway of parks at sector Alpha-I, II and Beta-I, II and Gamma-I, II and Delta-I, II, III and Eta-I, Zeta-I and Sector-36 and 37 for one year, Greater Noida
Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
40.40 Lacs |Agency Name :
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority
23598Maintenance of boundary wall, pathway and hut of parks at sector Xu-I, II, III and Mu-I, II and Omicron-IA, I, II, III and Sigma-I, II, III, IV and Pie-I, II for one year, Greater Noida
Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
49.35 Lacs |Agency Name :
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority