16632New construction and Repairing work of Raiganj ITI at Karnajora in the District of Uttar Dinajpur Construction of New Main Gate New Boundary Wall New Ladies Toilet and Repair and Renovation of Different Ladies and Gents Toilets
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
2.12 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
16634Supply Fitting and Fixing of Modular Security Cabin at 257 Hostel of various Institutions of the State 79 ModularSecurityCabin in Malda Dist 47 Nos Uttar Dinajpur Dist 16 Nos Dakshin Dinajpur Dist 12Nos Darjeeling Dist 1no Jalpaiguri Dist 3 no
Darjeeling - West Bengal
Contract Value :
92.78 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
16636Work: Supply and Installation of Four (4) nos. of Tubewell for different places of Jujersha, Deulpur and Gangadharpur G.P. under Panchla Block within the Jurisdiction of Howrah Zilla Regulated Market Committee Tikiapara Howrah
Howrah - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.54 Lacs |Agency Name :
West Bengal State Marketing Board