34959Construction and Maintenance of Foot Over Bridge with Escalator and Stair Case facility from Southern Side of Chingrighata Flyover near Captain Bhery to Newly constructed Bus Passengers Shelter on E.M. Bye-Pass, against License fee of advertisement rights over 30 (Thirty) years from the date of completion. Capital expenditure be invested by the bidder.
Hooghly - West Bengal
Contract Value :
20.52 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority
34960Detailed Design, Drawing, Construction and Commissioning of R.C.C. Elevated Service Reservoir No 3 with allied works within Baranagar Municipal area on turnkey basis at Ward No 18 having 500 m3 Capacity, Staging Height 20 Mtr under AMRUT (3rd Call)
Hooghly - West Bengal
Contract Value :
1.06 Crore |Agency Name :
Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority