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35031 Construcuction of passanger rest shed near the land of Arun Toto (Towards Howri River )and at Rai Gaon within Totopara-Ballalguri G.P.under Madarihat Birpara Dev. Block.
35032 Construction of Pump House (5.40 m X 3.65 m) inner size with (2.10 m X 1.20 m) size with toilet, plinth protection etc. at head work site of "PURBA BANSGAON" Piped Water Supply Schemes at Phansidewa block under Sub-Division,
35033 Construction of Black Top Road alongwith protection work from Mahesherpara Bus Stand towards Pattabuka via Kuchaidanga in Jamsherpur G.P. under Karimpur-I Dev. Block, under BADP Fund
35034 Construction of Pump House (5.40 m X 3.65 m) inner size with (2.10 m X 1.20 m) size with toilet, plinth protection etc. at head work site of "BIRSING" Piped Water Supply Schemes at Naxalbari block under
35035 Repair and Renovation of existing toilet and Dinning Room of Dhanapati Toto Memorial Girls Ashram Hostel at Totopara within Madarihat-Birpara Block
35036 Construction of Pump House (5.40 m X 3.65 m) inner size with (2.10 m X 1.20 m) size with toilet, plinth protection etc. at head work site of "BHALAMANSHI" Piped Water Supply Schemes at Phansidewa block under
35037 Concrete road from Chhotokhanpur Masjidtala to Kabarsthan at Chhotokhanpur.
TRN : 530277 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for concrete road from chhotokhanpur masjidtala to kabarsthan at chhotokhanpur.
35038 Laying of pipe line in new alignment due to widening of NH-31C from Galgalia to more and 1.00 KM from P.W.D. more towards Panitanki more of Kharibari W/S Scheme under
35039 Supply of Carp (IMC) Fish Seed, Lime, Single Super Phosphate upto block level in Birbhum of West Bengal under the scheme of Production of Big size Fish (IMC) in big water bodies
35040 Roof bolting support at 16 th level/25 th dip to 22 nd level/25 th dip(haulage road) 24 th dip/ 16 th level to 28 th dip/16 level and 16 th lev/ 28 dip to 22 nd level/28 th dip(travelling road) and inspection road of sectionalisation stoppings at Dis

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