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IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, Hardware disaster-recovery consultancy services, Computer-site planning consultancy services,Computer hardware acceptance testing consultancy services,Software programming and consultancy services,Programming services of packaged software products, Programming services of systems and user software,Programming services of application software, Networking, Internet and intranet software development services,Internet and intranet software development services,Web server software development services,Document management software development services,Desktop-publishing software development services, Project management software development services,Software development services suites, Time accounting or human resources software development services, Communication and multimedia software development services,Communication software development services,IT software development services,Database and operating software development services, Database software development services,Systems and technical consultancy services,Information systems or technology strategic review services,Project management consultancy services, System implementation planning services, System and support services,Disaster recovery services,Computer archiving services,Help-desk and support services, Help-desk services,Software Testing, Software-related services,Software support services,Software development services,Software implementation services,Software configuration services,Software consultancy services,Software maintenance and repair services,Computer network services,Local area network services,Wide area network services,Computer back-up and catalogue conversion services,Computer back-up services, Industry specific software development services,Compliance software development services, System quality assurance planning services,Systems analysis and programming services,Critical design target specification services,Design-modelling services,Systems consultancy services,Systems support services, Systems testing services,Maintenance of information technology software,Data services,Database services
GTN :5610880
Germany - Germany
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