Bidding Support
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Acetone , Petroleum ether , Glycerine , carmine , Sucrose ,
Abscisic Acid , Ethephon , Auxin , Calfthymus DNA , Benidict
Reagent , ABO Blood Group Kit , PH Buffer Solution 4 7 10 ,
Indoe 3 acetic acid , Indole 3 butyic acid , Brew Baker
medium , Ethnol , Hydrogen Perioxide 50 , Iso Prophnol ,
NAOH , KOH , Neutrient Agar , Dnase Free Rnase Powder , E
Coli DH5 Strain , Luria Bertani Media powder without agar ,
Agarose Molecular grade , DNA Loading Buffer , Buddine
Yeast Meterial , YPD Medium for Yeast Growth , Clavulanic
Acid , Ceftazidime , Piperacilline , Rifampicin , Actinomycin
D , Kanamycil , Streptomycil , ITPQ Isopropyl d 1 hyogalacto
polynoside , Cover Slip 18 mmSqure , Teepol , Schott Duran
Bottle 100 ml , Schott Duran Bottle 500 ml , Schott Duran
Bottle 250 ml , TDS Meter , Electrical Conductivity meter ,
Weighing Balance Electrical 10mg 500g , Acetic acid Glacial
extrapure 99 , Agrose , Ammonium carbonate , Benzidine ,
camphor pure 96 , Chloroform extrapure 99 , EDTA
Disodium salt Dihydrate for tissue culture , Eosin 2 , Eosin
Powder , Ethyl Ether pure 99 , Ferric sulphate , Folin
Reagent , GlycereolGlycerine 99 , GST GSH SDH KIT ,
Hydrochloric Acid LR 35 , Iodine Powder , Magnesium
Chloride , Methanol pure 99 , Methylene Blue Trihydrate ,
Millon reagent , Nitric Acid ER , Peptone , Buffer Capsules
pH4 , Buffer Capsules pH7 , Buffer Capsules pH92 , pH
paper 1 to 10 , Phenol reagent , Phenolphthalein Solution ,
Pyridine ER Liquid , Sod hydroxide extra pure AR 97 ,
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate , Sodium hydrogen
phosphate , Sulphuric acid H2so4 , Yeast , L Alanine , L
Arginine , L Cysteine , L Cystine , L Proline , L Tryosine , L
Tryptophan , Fridge 320 ltr , Reagent Bottle Wide mouth
with screw cap 100 ml , Reagent Bottle Wide mouth with
screw cap 250 ml , Reagent Bottle Wide mouth with screw
cap 500 ml , Reagent Bottle Wide mouth with screw cap
1000 ml , Reagent Bottle Wide mouth with screw cap 2000
ml , Burettes 50ml With PTFE stopcock Class B , BEAKER
LOW FORM 250ml , PETRI DISHES 100 x 20mm S LINE ,
With Screw Cap 500ml , MICROSCOPE GLASS SLIDES size 76
x 26 x 1 , Spatula one end flat and one end Spoon size 6
TRN :34057273
State Government / Education And Research Institutes
New Delhi - Delhi
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