Bidding Support


Bidding Support

Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.

Supply and Fixing of fine sand at site including royalty and carriage for preparing compost as per specified in specification documents,Supply and Fixing sweet good earth at site including royalty and carriage for preparing compost for pits requiredas per specified in specification documents,Supply and Fixing manure at site including royalty and carriage for preparing compost as per specified in specification documents,M and L for Preparing compost pits of as per specified in specification documents,Preparing compost pits of size per specified in specification documents," Supply and planting following trees in location where shown on drawing per specified in specification documents,a ALBIZZIA LEEBEK 6 Height",b ALSONIA SCHOLARIS 6 Height,c BAUHINIA PURPUREA 4 Height,d CARYOTA URENS 6 Height,e ERYTHRINA INDICA 6 Height,f FICUS INFECTORIA 6 Height,g LAGERSTOEMIA FLOS REGIME 6 Height,h PUMERIA ALBA 6 Height,J ROYSTONEA REGIA 6 Height,k SHOREA ROBUSTA 4 Height,0 PLUMERIA RUBRA 6 Height,m BAMBUSA VALGARISA 6 Height,n BOTTLE PALM 4 Height,0 ASHOKA PENDULA 4 to 6 Height,Supply and planting shrubs in location where shown on drawing and described in scheduleper specified in specification documents,M and L 60 mm thick precast cement concrete per specified in specification documents, Excavation over areas not exc 1 5m deep and getting out soft loose soil per specified in specification documents,Returning filling in including spreading leveling watering and well ramming in layers n exc 25cm, S and F 25MM GI tubing medium grade galvanised with allper specified in specification documents,Ditto but 20 mm of size,S and F sprinklers of cast brass alloy 25 mm dia with per specified in specification documents,S and F 15mm bore chromium plated fancy type bib taps long body with crutch or butterfly handle per specified in specification documents,S and F GI union socket of 25 mm complete all as specified and directed,S and F 20mm dia low density polyethylene pipe LDPE pressure rating 6kg Sqcm per specified in specification documents

TRN :34086899
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Mumbai - Maharashtra

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