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Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.

Supply of Sucrose , Cleri Gel , 6-BAP , IBA , a-Naphthaleneacetic acid Bracket NAA Bracket , L-Ascorbic Acid , Phloroglucinol , Kinetin , Thidiazuron Bracket TDZ Bracket , Murashige and Skoog Macroelements , Murashige and Skoog plant salt mixture , Woody Plant Medium , Autoclave tape , Bluple Nitrile Examination Gloves, Medium Size , Marcuric chloride , 2-Propanol, Hi-LR , Surgical Blade Bracket Twelve Number Bracket , Surgical Blade Bracket Eleven Number bracket , Forcep Pointed Bracket eight inch bracket , Freeze Tag , Syringe-driven Filters size zero point twenty two , Agar , Wash bottle , Para Film , Buffer capsule PH four point zero , Buffer capsule PH seven point zero , Buffer capsule PH nine point zero , Stainless Steel Scalpel Holder Number four , Dimethyl Sulphoxide Bracket DMSO bracket , Acetone for Synthesis , Methanol for Synthesis , Thiobarbituric Acid AR , Trichloro Acetic Acid AR slash ACS , Two comma four comma six tri bracket two Pyridyl bracket one comma three comma five Triazine AR , Perchloric Acid twenty percent , Folin and Ciocalteu s Phenol Reagent AR , Sodium Carbonate Bracket Anhydrous bracket AR , Gibberellic Acid Bracket GA3 Bracket , Indole Three Butyric Acid Bracket IBA bracket , One Naphthalene Acetic Acid , Acetic Acid, Glacial , Sulphuric Acid AR , Ethanol ultra pure ninety nine point ninety nine percent , Petroleum Ether AR , Two comma six Di Tert four Methyl Phenol Bracket see Butylated Hydroxy Toluene Bracket , Acetic Acid , Sulphosalicylic Acid AR , Orthophosphoric Acid , Ninhydrin , Two comma four Dinitro Phenyl Hydrazine AR , Thiourea AR , Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate , di-Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate , Ascorbic Acid , Glutathione Oxidized , Five comma five Dithio Bis Extra Pure , Tris bracket Hydroxy Methyl bracket Amino Methane

TRN :34093374
Central Government And Public Sector / Education And Research Institutes
Lucknow - Uttar Pradesh

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