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Supply of Ammeters different range, Battery eliminator , Daniell cell, Drawing Board , Fricton apparatus complete set with weight box , Galvanometer , Parallelogram apparatus , Key one way , Jockey pencil type , Two way key , Laclanche cell , Meter Bridge , Multimeter Digital , Magnetic compass , Prism (Indian Glass), Potentionmeter , Plier , Cutter , Screwdriver , Dry Cell 10g (chargeable), Helical spring apparatus with weights, Rheostat, resistance coil different range 1-5 ohms, Resonance appartaus , Spherometer , Screw gauge , wooden scale (1-50 cm, 1-100cm), Stopwatch , Sonometer , Sprit level , Thermometer , Tuning Fork (250Hz, 480Hz and 512Hz) withpad, Vernier caliper , Voltmeter ( Different ranges), Breakers, Connecting wires , Charts for display (bio visuals), Portraits (as per choice), Concave mirror , Convex mirror , Convex lens , Concave lens, Wedge knife edge (for sonometer), Glass slab , Pendulum box , Hanger weights 500Gm , Insulated copper wire , Meter Tape (1-100Meter), Spring Balance (0-250gm), u-shaped magnet , Copper colorimeter , Newton's Disc, Camera , lactometer, Binoculars , Boyle's law apparatus, Metallic Cylinders, SG Bottles, Grave s and apparatus, Spirit Level, Potentiometer, Gold leaf electroscope, Tuning fork, Cork rubber 1.5 inches, Dry cell charger, Soldering iron, Eqidiascope, Telescope, Barometer tube, Stove (oil), Elactric bell, Proof Plane, Soldering rods, P-N junction diode set up, Laptop / desktop set, Balance (Physical), Fortnis Barometers, Metal sphere, Young's Modulus, Spectrometer, Hydrometer, Silk And cat skin pieces, Multimeter manual, Optical banch (1 meter long ), Scissor, Resistance Box 0.1 to 10 ohm, Resistance Box 1 to 10 ohm, Resistance Box 1 to 100 ohms , Resistance Box 1 to 1000 ohms, Resistance Box 1 to 100000 ohms, Ammonium Chloride, All Pins 1.5", Copper Sulphate, Drawing Pins, Ammonium Carbonate, Ammonium Chloride, Ammonium Sulfate, Arnn-lci urn Bromide, Arnmen.urn Sulfate, Iron Sticks, Potassium nitrite, Amrncl urn oxalate, Sodium thiosulphate, Zinc SJ1fate, Cobalt nitrate, Sodium hydroxide, Copper sulfate, Potassium nitrate, Oxalic acid, Magnesium Sulfate, Magnes urn chloride, Ammonium phosphate, Sodium chloride, Potassium ferrocyanide, Ferrous sulfate, Sodium bromide, Ammon um ferrous sulfate, Potassium dichromate, Barium chloride, Strontium nitrate, Sodium Sulfide, Potassium Chromate, Lead acetate, Sodium sulfate, Potassium Iodide, Lead nitrate, Cedric ammonium nitrate, 2,4 DNP, Phenol, Aniline, Bromine water, Acetaldehyde, Acetic acid, Carbon disulfide, Phenolphthalein, Nessler' reagent, Ammoniumm olybdate, Nickel ciirbonate, Nickel sulfate, Maganese chloride, Calcium chloride, Sodium bisulphate, Cobalt acetate, Test tube ( 50/125mm), Test lobe holder( thick brass), Dropper glass ( 150mm), Funnel (2"), Pipette ( 10m1) bulb tube, Conical flask (250ml), Volume tric flask (100m1), Filter pacer (12.5cm), Glass rod ( thick), Sodium sulfite, Picric Acid, Borax, Cobalt Glass, Aluminum metal, Spatula, Bunsen ourner, Droppers, Burettec(50m1), Wire gauge, Watch Glass, Tripod stand, Burette stand, Laboratory thermometer (-10 C to 110 C), BalanceChemical), Blow Pipe(Iron), Test Tube Brush, Cork Borer (Iron), Deflagrating spoon (iron), Pestle and Mortar, Pinch Cock (Iron), Retort Stand with Ring and Clamp, Sand Bath, Spirit Lamp (Barss), Test Tube Stand(Wooden), Test Tube Holder (Iron), Triangular Stand (Iron), Tripod Stand (Iron), Wire Gauze (Iron), Beaker , Burette stand(wooden), Cork Presser (iron), Crucible Tongs (iron), Charcoal Slab Borer (iron), Crucible(Silica), Distilation Apparatus (iron), Drying cones (iron), Funnel Stand or Filter Stand (Wooden), Round File, Stoves, Trough (tin), Weight Boxes (woodes), Triangular Clay Pipes (iron wire covered with clay), Burettle, China Dish, Conical Flasks, Flasks (R.B & F.B), Funnel , Gas jar or cylinder, Glazed tile, Measuring Flasks, Pipette, Retort , Thistle Funnel, Kipp's Apparatus, Watch Glass, Beaker 100ml, Beaker 250ml, Beaker 500ml, Chart stand , Conical Flask , Digital balance , Dropping Bottle , Forceps , Funnel , Hot plates , Human Skeleton (Artyficial), Measuring Cylinder 50ml, Measuring Cylinder 100ml, Measuring Cylinder 250ml, Microscope compond , Microscope dissecting , Morter and pastle, Petri dish , Pipette (graduated 10ml), Reagent bottle Slide box, Test tube Holders , test tube stand , Watch glass , Water bath , Wash bottle , White cavity tiles , Pipette stand , Burette (50ml), Burette 50ml, Capillary tube , Tripod stand , Thermometer , trough , Wire gauge , Burette stand , Enamel tray , laboratory coat , Scissors 4", Scissors 6", Scalpel , Staining rack , Controlled pollination and pedigree charts , Roundworm earthworm, and Tapeworm , Pigeon, rat, Scolioses, Starfish, Frog, and Lizard, camel , Claws and beaks forelimbs modifications, brain, ear and eye , Human torso model, and human skeleton model, Aquatic plants, xerophytic plants, monocot plants, dicot plants, Yeast, liverwort, moss, fern, pine, one monocotyledonous, One dicotyledonous plant and one lichen, ameoba , Rohu, frog, lizard, pigeon and rabbit, Stem root and leaf modifications, Disease-causing agents, bread mould, amoeba, Acetic acid , Acetone , Benedicts solution , Ammonium Solution , Dropper, Formaldehyde , Glycerine , Boric acid , Ethanol , Fehling solution A, Fehling solution B, Glucose, Lense cleaning solution , Megnesium sulphate, Robert Solution , Sodium chloride , Sodium Hypobromide , Hydrochloric acid , Cotton blue , Acetic Acid, Alcohol, Aluminum Sulphate, Muslim Cloth, Brushes, Ammonium solution, Cavity block, Caviy Slide, Cellotape/ papertape, Chromatography paper, Cobalt Culoride, Cork, Dusters, Filter Paper, Formal dehyde, Glycerine, Grease, Boric Acid, Momocot Stem, Etnahol, Fehling Solution A, Fehling Solution B, Glvose, Sodium Chloride, Hydroculoride Acide, Iodine, Million's Reagent, Needle, Nitric Acid, Potassium nitrate, Safranin solution, Bile Salts, Starch, Starch iodline, Surcrose, Test tube boiling, Test tube brding, Test tube Graunated, Tooth piks, Aluminum Foil, Barium culoride, Dicot Stem, Urea, PH paper, Multimeter Monnal, Optical bench ( 1 meter long ), Scissor, Dry cell changer, Electric bell, Soldering rods, P-N junction diode setup, Laptop / desktop Set , Spetrometer, Hydrometer, Balance Physics, Thread ralls, Heater, Skeleton (joints), All Pins, Perforated Beaker (250ml), Blade for Section Cutting, Chart display stand

TRN :34113606
State Government / Education And Research Institutes
Bareilly - Uttar Pradesh

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